Together with his late mother, Sujiatmi Notomiharjo, Jokowi occasionally visited the wooden-walled house.

  21 Februari 2024 10:43 - As the leader of the country and the number one person in Indonesia, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is always in the spotlight. Both his performance and his personal life cannot be separated from public attention.

Jokowi is known as a simple figure and close to the people. Apparently, this characteristic has been formed since he was little.

Jokowi's grandfather lived in a village called Giriroto which is located in Ngemplak Boyolali District. Together with his late mother, Sujiatmi Notomiharjo, Jokowi occasionally visited the wooden-walled house.

The following is a portrait of Jokowi's grandfather's house in Boyolali , summarized by from sharing sources, Tuesday (20/2).

1. The residence of Jokowi's grandparents is a simple house whose walls are made of wood.

Jokowi's house in Boyolali  various sources

photo: YouTube/YPM Journey

2. According to local residents, this building has been moved four times, but the facade of the house is still original.

Jokowi's house in Boyolali  various sources

photo: YouTube/YPM Journey

3. When you first entered the house, you were greeted by a painting of the faces of Jokowi's grandfather and grandmother, who were once wood bosses.

Jokowi's house in Boyolali  various sources

photo: YouTube/Richard Trace

4. When you went inside, you couldn't find any furniture, because the house is currently unoccupied.

Jokowi's house in Boyolali  various sources

photo: YouTube/Richard Trace

5. The entire construction of this building still looks original, from the wooden walls, doors, windows, to the floor, which is typical of ancient times.

Jokowi's house in Boyolali  various sources

photo: YouTube/Richard Trace

6. According to one local resident, Jokowi played with his friends there while visiting his grandfather.

Jokowi's house in Boyolali  various sources

photo: YouTube/YPM Journey

7. The wooden house that is a silent witness to the life of Jokowi's grandfather and grandmother is said to be more than 100 years old.

Jokowi's house in Boyolali  various sources

photo: YouTube/YPM Journey

8. Even though it seems simple and old school, this house has a very large yard.

Jokowi's house in Boyolali  various sources

photo: YouTube/YPM Journey

9. Behind the wooden house there is an old well which is still sturdy.

Jokowi's house in Boyolali  various sources

photo: YouTube/Richard Trace

10. Next to the house there is also a joglo named after Wiroredjo which was built about 5 years ago. The name is taken from the name of Jokowi's grandfather.

Jokowi's house in Boyolali  various sources

photo: YouTube/YPM Journey

11. The Joglo was deliberately built to facilitate local residents. Starting from teaching and learning to renting out celebration events.

Jokowi's house in Boyolali  various sources

photo: YouTube/YPM Journey

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.