foto: TikTok/@belsavirra

The couple enjoyed a large amount of sushi, within an hour they finished dozens of portions of sushi.

  7 Februari 2024 18:45 - Sushi is a typical Japanese dish whose marketing has reached international level. The filling is a combination of rice prepared with rice vinegar, sugar and salt. Apart from that, sushi is also served with fresh fish, vegetables and seaweed. The uniqueness of sushi lies in its artistic and precise way of serving.

Not a few Indonesians also enjoy this dish. This is proven by the fact that sushi restaurants, both large scale and small shops, can be found in various cities in Indonesia. To attract Indonesian buyers, some sushi restaurants have adapted by mixing local elements , such as providing variations in taste to suit Indonesian tastes.

Talking about sushi, recently social media has been busy highlighting the actions of couples who enjoy large amounts of sushi. This action was uploaded by the TikTok account @belsavirra. A woman and her boyfriend came to a sushi restaurant and ordered quite a large amount.

The video initially shows a lot of sushi being served on a table. There were more than 5 plates of sushi. This couple of dishes were actually eaten by the two of them alone.

eat a lot of sushi  TikTok

eat a lot of sushi

This act of eating in large quantities clearly makes people surprised. Even the former sushi plate reached one meter in height.

"Really just the two of us," he wrote in the caption.

Finishing off this large amount of sushi turns out to be a challenge. Anyone who can finish a plate of sushi that is one meter high will get a 100% discount. If three or four come, the height will be increased to two meters.

eat a lot of sushi  TikTok

eat a lot of sushi

However, if the used plate does not reach one meter, visitors must pay 50% as long as the food is finished. However, if it has been ordered and it doesn't run out, all challenges will be lost. So buyers have to pay according to the normal price.

The couple admitted that they were only given 1 hour. It turns out they were able to spend it and got a 100% discount. As seen in the video, they originally had to pay 684,000. However, because they successfully carried out this challenge, this couple only paid 10% tax for the amount of 68,400 rupiah.

eat a lot of sushi  TikTok

eat a lot of sushi

This couple's actions were also widely highlighted. Many wonder how they can finish so much sushi. Apart from that, netizens also want to try this challenge because it is considered interesting.

"Just 15 plates of Tom Sushi together, I'm already going to have a lot of fun, especially since it's a mess," wrote the account @esbonbonenaktau

"This is like taking a break from eating sushi for a year," said the account @dash38474

"Including your dream. Having a partner who is equally strong at eating. Not just 3-4 plates," said the account @indchize

"You spill the trick on eating that much sushi. How many months do you have to eat it?" comment account @uwjnkailwn.

eat a lot of sushi  TikTok

eat a lot of sushi

From the time the video was posted until this article was written, the @belsavirra account has gathered 1.3 million views. Apart from that there are also. 89,900 accounts gave likes and 986 comments.
