foto: TikTok/@t1nambunan

The man took care of the tickets and all his parents' needs in Batam

  3 April 2024 20:25 - Homecoming is a moment that is eagerly awaited by many people. Because, migrants will have the opportunity to meet parents and family in their hometown. Moreover, usually the child has not seen his parents for a long time and years.

However, it turns out that not everyone can experience going home . One of them is this man who cannot go home. The story can be seen in the TikTok video posted by the account @t1nambunan.

The man who was working in Batam admitted that this year he could not go home. There is work that prevents him from going home. So, he didn't get leave from his office.

bring parents overseas  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@t1nambunan

As a child, of course the longing for your parents cannot be stopped. Instead of just making video calls or communicating online. The man still insisted on holding a meeting.

Therefore, he brought his parents to the land of Rantau. The man took care of the tickets and all his parents' needs in Batam. How happy he was when he saw his parents coming out of the airport.

" We can't go home to our parents who we flew overseas ," he wrote.

He did this because his father also missed the city of Batam. It had been 20 years since his father had set foot in Batam. This was also an achievement for him because he was able to fulfill one of his father's wishes.

bring parents overseas  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@t1nambunan

There they ended up traveling to various places. The longing that had been accumulating was finally released. Now he no longer needs to worry about going home this year. Because his parents were the ones who brought him to his overseas location.

" Thank God, one of my wishes has come true to make my parents happy ," he wrote.

bring parents overseas  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@t1nambunan

This man's story also went viral and attracted the attention of netizens. It turns out that many people want to copy his method but are financially constrained. Because of this, many netizens are praying that they can do the same thing.

" I pray too, bro, that it can be like this too. I want to make my parents happy ," said the account @kangasep.

" How are you going to fly your parents? The economy is not doing well ," wrote the account @syirensyah.

" My mother immediately grumbled when she invited me to go to Jakarta for Eid. Even though her children were all in Jakarta ," said the account @mia004294.

"My parents don't want to. Because in the village during Eid there will be lots of relatives at home," commented the account @ret23.

bring parents overseas  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@t1nambunan

From the video being posted until this article was written, the @t1nambunan account has gathered 926,500 viewers. Apart from that, there were also 91,600 accounts that gave likes and 708 comments.
