foto: TikTok/@madeurdayy

This woman's story received many mixed responses, some of them actually thought it was too exaggerated.

  3 April 2024 03:45 - Being good at managing finances from an early age becomes capital for living comfortably in the future. Young people who already have income are required to be able to manage their finances as well as possible if they want to have financial stability in old age. The reason is that by saving money, young people can build emergency funds, invest for the future, or plan their dreams.

Even though they know that saving is important, some people cannot do that because of the many needs they have to fulfill. As experienced by a woman whose story was posted via the TikTok account @madeurdayy.

In her upload, this woman admitted that she was often called a wasteful person. Because every time you get money from your work, you don't have any money left over. There are just needs that must be met.

woman reveals why her salary always runs out  TikTok

woman reveals why her salary always runs out

From her story it was finally discovered that the woman was a member of the sandwich generation - a term used to describe someone who is caught between responsibilities. They have to support their parents and expenses for themselves and their children in the future.

This sandwich generation faces a heavy financial burden because it has to cover living costs for three generations. They have the potential to experience stress, fatigue, and difficulty meeting their own financial needs.

As seen from the post, the woman displays a chat from her mother who always asks for money. Most recently, the mother asked whether her child had received THR and salary. If so, then please send more to his mother because it is for Eid purposes.

woman reveals why her salary always runs out  TikTok

woman reveals why her salary always runs out

Previously, his mother also regularly chatted with him to ask him for money. As a child, it's certainly not good to be stingy with your parents. Therefore, he still sent the requested money to his mother.

Not only the mother, it turns out that the younger sibling's needs are also more or less her responsibility. It can be seen that when his younger brother's cellphone was damaged, the money was used to pay for servicing the cellphone.

One time, he didn't reply and answered his mother's phone call. The woman had read that the gesture was only to ask for money. However, the mother accused him of not wanting to send her any more money. Even though the woman admitted that her condition at that time was quite tight. He also has his own needs that must be met.

woman reveals why her salary always runs out  TikTok

woman reveals why her salary always runs out

The mother's needs seem to be increasing every day, she even gives credit and internet quota to her child. He displayed 13 chat screenshots, all containing messages from the mother asking for money. This is the reason why women are always wasteful and considered unable to manage finances. His salary always runs out and there is nothing to save.

Tired of working, sometimes the woman pleases herself by eating and having snacks outside. However, people's response to him was "he is a wasteful person". Even though the goal is only for your own happiness.

"Post story about eating, snacking out. Buying this is called wasteful. You don't have to tell me everything, but I can also make myself happy. Just stay sane and let Allah take care of the rest," he wrote.

When the reason why his salary always runs out was revealed, it actually brought pros and cons from netizens. Not a few people felt what he was going through. However, many people also disagree about why something like this has to be posted.

"Before I got married, my salary at that time was around 3.5 million per month. I gave my mother everything in full and I was given only 500 thousand for a month, just enjoy it as long as you are sincere," said the account @rafkazevario

"I really cried reading this. On the one hand, thank God for being able to take care of my family. But on the one hand, I also want to be like other children, the burden is too heavy for me at this age," wrote the account @24jamlibur

"How can your brother bring it up like that?" said the account @kurniianip

"My parents never asked, but I realized I had to give. As long as he is still around and I'm happy I can give the results of my sweat to them, even if it's just a little," commented the account @sitir

woman reveals why her salary always runs out  TikTok

woman reveals why her salary always runs out

From the time the post was uploaded until this article was written, the @madeurdayy account has gathered 303,700 viewers. Apart from that, there were also 8,143 accounts that gave likes and 1,036 comments.
