Founded by KH Ahmad Dahlan on November 18, 1912 in Yogyakarta.

  20 September 2024 03:50 - Muhammadiyah is one of the largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia, founded by KH Ahmad Dahlan on November 18, 1912 in Yogyakarta. This organization is active in the fields of preaching, education, social, and health, with the aim of purifying Islamic teachings and advancing the community through a rational and progressive approach.

Lyrics of the Muhammadiyah march song Sang Surya by Djarnawi Hadikoesoemo

The Sun Still Shines
The Two Circular Creed
The Green Radiant Color
Make Me Willing

O God, my Lord,
Muhammad is my lord
Islam My Religion
Muhammadiyah My Movement

In the East the dawn is Bright and Sparkling
Dispelling the Black Fog
Inspiring the Muslims
Leave the Complaint

Look, the Sun is High
There in the Eastern Horizon
Rabbi's Divine Call
Samina Wa Atthona

O God, my Lord,
Muhammad is my lord
Islam My Religion
Muhammadiyah My Movement
