foto: TikTok/@fani.febriyani

The lecturer is known to be a member of the TPS supervisors.

  16 Februari 2024 04:25 - Voting Places (TPS) , are places provided by related parties so that people can exercise their right to vote. Each polling station has a list of registered voters in that area. And of course, voting at the TPS is a citizen's right protected by law.

However, it turns out there are people who actually go to the polling stations not to vote. The action was successful in making the audience giggle. If you're curious, see the story in the TikTok video with the username @fani.febriyani.

The video shows a place where a tent has been installed. There were many people sitting there. It turned out they were waiting to be called in their turn to vote. This video was taken at one of the polling stations.

to tps thesis guidance  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@fani.febriyani

Apart from that, the video maker highlights a woman wearing a blue shirt. He was walking towards the KPPS members carrying a piece of paper. Indeed, when voting, people are required to include an invitation and also an ID card.

Arriving at the officer's desk, the woman immediately greeted a man who was an officer. However, this is where its uniqueness lies. Instead of wanting to deliver an invitation to vote, the woman apparently brought a thesis manuscript. It turns out that the officer in the video is a lecturer on campus.

to tps thesis guidance  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@fani.febriyani

It appears that the father is the supervisor of the polling station. On the Election Supervisory Agency (bawaslu) website, TPS supervisors are officers directly formed by the Subdistrict Panwaslu. Its authority is to supervise the running of elections so that they remain smooth and conducive. Of course he also has obligations, according to Law No. 7 of 2017 article 116 states that one of the things that must be done is to submit a report on the results of monitoring the voting and counting of votes to the sub-district Panwaslu.

Of course this is not an easy job. However, in the midst of his busy schedule, the lecturer actually wanted to serve his students who asked for thesis guidance. He was seen reading and opening page after page the thesis that the student had brought.

"Luckily the lecturer is good," wrote the video maker in the caption.

to tps thesis guidance  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@fani.febriyani

This video also went viral and attracted the attention of netizens. Of course, many people praised the actions of the lecturer who still wanted to be met even though he was busy. Apart from that, netizens also assumed that the lecturer couldn't avoid it and had no reason because he was met when there was a crowd.

"Poor father. There's no reason not to ACC because the residents have already seen it," wrote the account @anotheraul

"But I also salute the father who still wants to be met even though he is busy," said the account @fondaa_

"The effort is really there, hopefully it will be finished quickly, sis," said the account @livehaf.official

"Wherever I go, the important thing is that my thesis is finished," commented the account @pinlypurp

to tps thesis guidance  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@fani.febriyani

From the video being posted until this article was written, the @fani.febriyani account has gathered 698,200 viewers. Apart from that, there were also 73,800 accounts that gave likes and 1,386.
