PT Jasa Marga yang akan memberikan diskon sebesar 20 persen untuk tarif terjauh di Jalan Tol Jakarta-Cikampek bagi pemudik yang mudik Lebaran lebih awal.
Lebaran homecoming is a highly anticipated moment for many people in Indonesia. Every year, millions of travelers flock back to their hometowns using various modes of transportation, including private vehicles via toll roads. To support smooth travel, PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk together with the government is providing a 20 percent toll rate discount for toll road users during the 2025 Lebaran homecoming and return flow period.
This discount program is valid on several Trans Java and Sumatra toll roads, including toll roads managed by Jasa Marga and other operators. The purpose of this discount is to reduce vehicle density, while also helping travelers save on travel costs. However, this discount is only valid for a certain period and conditions that must be met by road users.
So, how do you get this toll discount? What are the terms and conditions? Let's take a look at the complete guide below.
1. Conditions for Getting a 20% Toll Tariff DiscountThis 20 percent toll discount does not automatically apply to all toll road users. There are several conditions that must be met in order to enjoy this tariff discount.
According to Jasa Marga President Director, Subakti Syukur, this 20 percent discount applies to all vehicle classes to support the smooth flow of homecoming and return traffic for Eid this year.
2. 2025 Toll Discount Period ScheduleThis toll discount is given in two periods, each for the homecoming flow and the return flow. Here are the details:
Homecoming Flow Period
Return Flow Period
Jasa Marga also plans to add discounts of up to 30 percent for travelers who are willing to use alternative routes during the return flow to reduce traffic congestion.
3. List of Toll Road Sections that Get DiscountsThis discount does not apply to all toll roads. Here is a list of toll roads included in the discount program:
Trans Java Toll Road:
Sumatra Toll Road:
The toll rate after a 20 percent discount depends on the vehicle class. Here are the details of the rates for the Jakarta-Semarang trip:
Period 24-26 March 2025
Period 26-28 March 2025
In order to enjoy the maximum discounts, travelers should make the following preparations:
1. Do all tolls get a 20 percent discount?
No, only certain toll roads in Trans Java and Sumatra are included in this program.
2. How do I get this toll discount?
Make sure the trip is made within the specified period and uses e-toll with sufficient balance.
3. Does the discount apply to all types of vehicles?
Yes, the discount applies to all vehicle classes, including private cars, buses and trucks.
4. What if I exit the toll road before the Kalikangkung toll gate?
Discounts do not apply if the trip does not continue to GT Kalikangkung.