Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam that must be carried out by every Muslim who is able.

  10 September 2024 02:00 - Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam that must be carried out by every Muslim who is able. Zakat plays an important role in distributing wealth more evenly and helping those in need. In Islam, there are various types of zakat, each of which has certain provisions and calculation methods. This article will explain the types of zakat, the importance of zakat in social life, and the benefits of zakat for the welfare of the community.

1. Zakat fitrah

Zakat fitrah is one of the types of zakat that must be paid by every Muslim before Eid al-Fitr. This zakat aims to cleanse oneself from sinful deeds during fasting in the month of Ramadan and as a form of concern for others, especially those who are less fortunate.

The amount of zakat fitrah is usually determined based on the amount of staple foods consumed daily, such as rice, wheat, or dates. Zakat fitrah is obligatory for every individual, including children, the elderly, and the sick, as long as they have the ability to pay the zakat. By paying zakat fitrah, it is hoped that Muslims can celebrate Eid with joy and peace.

2. Zakat on wealth

Zakat mal is one type of zakat that must be paid by a Muslim who has a certain amount of assets and has reached the nisab (the minimum limit of wealth that must be given zakat) and the haul (ownership period of one year). Mal zakat covers various types of assets such as gold, silver, cash, agricultural products, mining products and livestock.

The percentage of zakat mal that must be paid is 2.5% of the total wealth owned. The purpose of zakat mal is to cleanse wealth, encourage social welfare, and reduce economic disparities in society. With zakat mal, circulating wealth does not only accumulate in one group, but can be utilized by those who are less fortunate.

3. Trade zakat

Trade zakat is one of the types of zakat that must be paid by a Muslim who runs a trading business. This zakat is imposed on merchandise owned in one year, after deducting debt or other operational costs. The nisab of trade zakat is the same as the nisab of gold zakat, which is equivalent to 85 grams of gold.

The amount of trade zakat is 2.5% of the total value of merchandise after deducting debts. This zakat aims to cleanse businesses from greed and avarice, as well as increase social concern for those in need. By paying trade zakat, business actors are expected to be able to run their businesses with more blessings and ethics.

4. Agricultural zakat

Agricultural zakat is one of the types of zakat that must be paid by agricultural land owners for the harvest they get. This zakat is imposed if the harvest reaches a certain nisab, which is equivalent to 653 kilograms of staple foods such as rice, wheat, or dates. Agricultural zakat is calculated based on the type of irrigation used; if using rainwater or river water, the zakat paid is 10% of the total harvest, while if using artificial irrigation, the zakat paid is 5%.

The purpose of agricultural zakat is to cleanse agricultural products from greed and to help those who lack food. This zakat also helps maintain economic and social balance, especially in rural areas that depend on the agricultural sector.

5. Professional zakat

Professional zakat is zakat imposed on income earned from a particular job or profession. This zakat is included in the types of zakat that are starting to become popular among modern Muslims, especially for those who work in the service sector or have a fixed income. Professional zakat is calculated based on the total monthly or annual income that has reached the nisab, which is equivalent to 85 grams of gold.

The amount of professional zakat that must be paid is 2.5% of total income after deducting basic needs and other costs. This zakat aims to encourage social solidarity and help those who are less fortunate. By paying professional zakat, a Muslim contributes to creating economic balance and social justice.

6. Zakat rikaz (hidden treasure)

Zakat rikaz is one type of zakat imposed on treasures or valuable objects found. This treasure can be items buried in the ground, such as gold, silver, or other valuable objects. Zakat rikaz has a percentage of 20% of the total assets found.

The purpose of zakat rikaz is to cleanse wealth from elements of injustice and ensure that the wealth found can be used for the common good, especially for those in need. This zakat also helps prevent greed and monopoly over wealth that should be enjoyed by everyone.

Hopefully this article can provide a clearer understanding of the various types of zakat and encourage you to fulfill your zakat obligations wholeheartedly.
