Photos: Mess 56

The displayed artworks try to capture many phenomena that occurs on Instagram

  4 Desember 2015 15:00 - Instagram is a popular social media in several segments of society, especially young people. Since it was launched in 2010, this mobile app has embraced numerous users.

In one occasion, young people who are members of the photographic community, Mess 56, tried to examine social attitudes that happens on Instagram through the exhibition entitled #weareoffline in Jalan Mangkuyudan, Mantrijeron, Yogyakarta. Coming from different educational backgrounds, they tried to figure out the other side of what people have done in Instagram.

Get a glimpse into peoples behavior on Instagram in this exhibition

Consciously or not, Instagram has become a part of our daily life, particularly todays young generation. Everything they do seems inseparable from this social media, said Christian Dwiky, one of the participants who took part in the exhibition to, Wednesday (2/11).

Some of the displayed artworks try to capture the unique phenomena that occurs on Instagram. Just like the artwork of Alifia Azzahra and Gilang Putrahadi entitled SoundPict. Theyve discovered many users of Instagram turns out to use location tagging feature to write the song titles instead of indicating the location where the photo was taken.

Get a glimpse into peoples behavior on Instagram in this exhibition

After some researches, it is found that the purpose of those users in doing such a thing is because the written song is meant to be the soundtrack of the photo they post. Because of this phenomenon, they create an account with the name @sound.pic, which is intended to facilitate the instagram users to make a real song to accompany the photos they post.

Another interesting artwork is Yang Tidak Menarik dan Tidak Tampil (The Unnattractive and Excluded) by Muhammad Erlangga Fauzan. Through his masterpiece, he tried to show some of the things that should get more attention instead of being excluded or omitted. This phenomenon happens when a user is trying to make a picture look good by eliminating some objects that are considered annoying.