foto: Instagram/@erlyanieownerberl

Successfully becoming a skincare boss, this former household member occupies a residence estimated at IDR 1 billion which is equipped with an elevator

  15 April 2024 06:00 - Erlyanie is one of the skincare bosses in Indonesia who often steals attention. The journey to achieve success is quite long. She used to be a household member or household assistant. Since childhood, Erlyanie has migrated from Boyolali to Jakarta.

Not long after, she became a household member in Jakarta for 6 years. Erlyanie was paid Rp. 100 thousand when she first worked as a household member at the house of one of her aunts in Jakarta.

Now, his life has turned around for the better. Now he is the skincare boss of B-Erl Cosmetics. In 2017, he started to start this business. She lives with her husband and children.

This residence is equipped with an elevator which is estimated to cost up to IDR 1 billion. The private rooms also look as spacious as those in a star hotel. What's the portrait like? Let's look at the summary from various sources, Monday (15/4).

1. This is a portrait of Erlyanie's bedroom after success, it looks spacious and spacious.

Erlyanie new skincare boss room  2024

photo: Instagram/@erlyanieownerberl

2. This bedroom is dominated by white and gold, giving an elegant impression.

Erlyanie new skincare boss room  2024

photo: Instagram/@erlyanieownerberl

3. Choosing a plain white bed cover makes this room feel like a hotel.

Erlyanie new skincare boss room  2024

photo: Instagram/@erlyanieownerberl

4. The gold color combined with a baby pink bed cover is also suitable, it looks elegant.

Erlyanie new skincare boss room  2024

photo: Instagram/@erlyanieownerberl

5. The backdrop color is gold and warm light is the right combination to make the room feel calm.

Erlyanie new skincare boss room  2024

photo: Instagram/@erlyanieownerberl

6. Interestingly, behind this gold backdrop, it turns out that it used to be marble specially ordered from Europe. However, because Erlyanie's tastes were different from her husband's, in the end she had to close it like this.

Erlyanie new skincare boss room  2024

photo: Instagram/@erlyanieownerberl

7. This room is connected to a makeup room which is private and spacious, like in a hotel.

Erlyanie new skincare boss room  2024

photo: YouTube/Trans 7

8. She and her husband also like to teach their children to study in this room.

Erlyanie new skincare boss room  2024

photo: Instagram/@erlyanieownerberl

9. Apart from that, there is also a wardrobe room with glass dominated by mirror doors on the cupboard.

Erlyanie new skincare boss room  2024

photo: Instagram/@erlyanieownerberl
