School gardens are an important element that supports the comfort and beauty of the learning environment.

  26 September 2024 04:20


School gardens are one of the important elements that support the comfort and beauty of the learning environment. School gardens not only function as decorations for the school area, but also have many benefits, from creating a green atmosphere to being an interactive learning place for students. This article presents an example of an observation report text about school gardens that describes the conditions, benefits, and important roles of school gardens in supporting the learning process.

Purpose of observation

The purpose of this report is to observe and record the condition of the school garden and analyze the role of the garden in the educational environment. This example of an observation report text about a school garden also aims to describe the ecological and social benefits resulting from the existence of a garden in a school.

Location and condition of school gardens

In this example of an observation report text about a school garden, the location observed is the main garden in the front corner of the school, right between the main building and the sports field. The garden has an area of about 200 square meters, surrounded by ornamental plants, shade trees, and several grass areas used for student seating.

The condition of the park is well maintained, seen from the shady trees and plants that grow well. The park is also equipped with wooden benches that can be used by students to relax or study outdoors. In addition, there is a small pond with a fountain that adds to the aesthetics and fresh atmosphere of the park.

Diversity of plants in school gardens

This example of an observation report text about a school garden notes the diversity of plants in the garden. There are various types of ornamental plants such as roses, orchids, and jasmine. In addition, several herbal plants are also planted, such as aloe vera, ginger, and mint leaves, which function as a means for students to learn about medicinal plants.

Large trees such as rain trees and flamboyant trees are also planted in the park area to provide shade. The presence of these shade trees helps reduce the heat around the park, creating a comfortable atmosphere for students who are active in the area. In the example of the text of the observation report on the school park, the diversity of these plants provides high educational and aesthetic value.

The function of the school garden in the learning process

One important aspect observed in the example of an observation report text about a school garden is the educational function of the garden. School gardens are often used as a means of outdoor learning, especially in Biology or Natural Sciences (IPA) subjects. Students can learn directly about ecosystems, photosynthesis, and biodiversity by observing plants and insects in the garden.

School gardens also serve as a place of recreation and relaxation for students. Many students use the garden to rest during recess or even to do assignments outdoors. In the example of an observation report text about a school garden, this garden creates an environment that supports students' mental and physical health by providing a comfortable and beautiful green space.

Ecological benefits of school gardens

The example of the text of the observation report on the school garden also notes the ecological benefits of the garden. The existence of the garden helps improve the air quality around the school, especially with the presence of plants that function as pollution absorbers. Plants in the school garden also help filter dust and small particles in the air, creating a cleaner and healthier environment for all school residents.

In addition, school gardens play an important role in maintaining the balance of air temperature. Green plants growing in the garden absorb heat and produce oxygen through photosynthesis, which has a positive impact on the coolness of the air around the school. These ecological benefits provide long-term benefits, especially in efforts to create an environmentally friendly environment and support school greening programs.

The social and health role of school gardens

In the example of the text of the observation report on the school garden, the social role of the garden is also an important aspect that is observed. The school garden is often a gathering place for students to interact, discuss, or do group activities. The existence of a comfortable and shady garden helps strengthen social relations between students, creates a harmonious atmosphere and supports togetherness.

School gardens also have a positive impact on students' health. Being in an open space with green views can reduce stress and anxiety, especially after facing intense lessons. Green spaces have been shown to improve student concentration and productivity, making the existence of school gardens important in supporting students' overall well-being.


This example of an observation report text about a school garden shows that school gardens have a very important role in the educational environment. In addition to being a decorative element, gardens also function as study rooms, places to relax, and provide ecological and social benefits for all school residents. The existence of a well-maintained school garden can create a healthy, comfortable learning environment and support the mental and physical well-being of students.

Thus, this example of an observation report text about a school park confirms that a school park is not just a green space, but also has a significant contribution in supporting the learning process and quality of life in the school environment. The existence of this park needs to be maintained and cared for to maintain its function and benefits for future generations.
