Rats are often considered as annoying pests because they can enter the house and cause various losses.

  3 Maret 2025 22:30

Brilio.net - Rats are often considered as annoying pests because they can enter the house and cause various losses. Their presence can cause the environment to become dirty, damage furniture, and steal food supplies in the kitchen.

In addition, rats also often appear suddenly, making the situation uncomfortable. Therefore, various methods are used to prevent and repel these rodents from nesting in the house.

Various types of rat poisons are available on the market and are often used to overcome this problem. However, the use of poison is sometimes still less effective in eradicating rats completely.

Therefore, another safer and more efficient way is needed to expel mice from the house without posing a risk to residents or pets.

If you want to repel mice without poison , try observing and imitating the method used by YouTube user KC's Tiny Urban Farm | Homesteading in The City.

This man claims to have a way to eradicate mice by using two kitchen ingredients. However, this method is said to be not instant, but still effective after the two kitchen ingredients are applied at home.

Curious about how?

"I think it worked, haven't seen any rats for days after using it (It seems to work, I haven't seen any rats for days after using it)," he said, quoted by brilio.net from YouTube KC's Tiny Urban Farm | Homesteading in The City on Monday (3/3).

The method is to prepare a container, then fill it with peanut butter and baking soda. This peanut butter is a bait so that mice are interested in eating the mixture of these two kitchen ingredients. While baking soda, this ingredient is known to be effective in eradicating mice at home.

Reported from az-animals.com, baking soda can react with the acid in the rat's stomach, producing carbon dioxide. Over time, this carbon dioxide will accumulate and break, then clog the rat's body channels and end up dead.

Effective way to eradicate mice using baking soda and peanut butter  YouTube

photo: YouTube/KC's Tiny Urban Farm | Homesteading in The City

Well, so that this rat-killing bait is more in demand, you can also add other ingredients, be it grains, nuts, cakes, biscuits, or any food stock available at home. If it is mixed evenly, just place the container in an area of the house that is often passed by rats.

Effective way to eradicate mice using baking soda and peanut butter  YouTube

photo: YouTube/KC's Tiny Urban Farm | Homesteading in The City

How, it's very simple, right? Peeking at the comments column on the YouTube upload KC's Tiny Urban Farm | Homesteading in The City which has been watched 18 thousand times, some netizens are interested and have successfully tried how to eradicate mice with peanut butter and baking soda at home.

"Were you able to know for sure that it worked? Wanted to try, we have tons of aggravating rats!" said YouTube @jonboy1557.

"I tried it. It is taking around 24-48 hours for the rats to feel the effect," explained YouTube @stephanemartin4733.

Interested in trying this method?

How to prevent mice from entering the kitchen.

Preventing mice from entering the kitchen can be done by maintaining cleanliness and closing access. Mice are attracted to leftover food and damp places, so the kitchen must always be clean and tidy.

Make sure all food is stored in closed containers and do not leave food scraps on the table or floor. Use a trash can with a tight lid so as not to attract mice. Also, clean the kitchen area regularly, especially in corners that are rarely reached.

Close any gaps or small holes that could be a way for mice to enter. Check the bottom of doors, corners of walls, and drains, then use wire mesh or mouse-proof material to close them.

In addition, use natural ingredients such as bay leaves, pepper powder, or peppermint oil that have an aroma that mice don't like. Placing these ingredients in areas that are potential mouse paths can help prevent them from coming into the kitchen.
