foto: Instagram/@narji77

Even though Widiyanti is now increasingly successful with Narji, she still maintains the simplicity of her home in her hometown.

  7 Februari 2024 05:25 - Narji is currently better known as a farmer and YouTuber than a comedian. The former member of the Cagur comedy club has not been active in the entertainment world for a long time and is pursuing a new, more challenging profession. Narji's busy life as a farmer began when he took a break from the hustle and bustle of the city to Pekalongan.

In his wife's hometown, Narji learned a lot about farming because there were still many people who depended on farming for their living, even Narji's own in-laws. Yes, Widiyanti's father is a farmer in Pekalongan who has quite a large rice field. Every time he goes home, Narji definitely helps his in-laws in the fields, such as plowing, planting rice, and so on.

Even though Widiyanti comes from a village far from city life, she understands how to invest her money in something of value. It is known that Widiyanti bought a rice field for Narji using her savings. This mother of three children expressed this on Abang Narji's YouTube entitled "ABANG NARJI WAS SHOCKED BY HIS WIFE TO BUY RICE FIELDS IN PEKALONGAN WITHOUT TELLING ME - TAMAN CURHAT."

Narji's wife's house in his hometown  YouTube

Narji's wife's house in his hometown
YouTube/Brother Narji

Widiyanti said this is a long-term investment that will benefit the children. Even though he now has more than 5 rice fields, who would have thought that Widiyanti's house in his hometown actually looks as simple as a village house in general. collected from Abang Narji's YouTube, here is the complete portrait, Tuesday (6/2).

1. This is what the terrace of Widiyanti's wife Narji's childhood house looks like in her hometown, Sukoyoso Village, Pekalongan.

Narji's wife's house in his hometown  YouTube

Narji's wife's house in his hometown
YouTube/Abang Narji

2. The house looks shady and cool because it is still in the middle of a village full of trees.

Narji's wife's house in his hometown  YouTube

Narji's wife's house in his hometown
YouTube/Abang Narji

3. After Widiyanti and her siblings got married, Widiyanti's father and mother lived alone in this house.

Narji's wife's house in his hometown  YouTube

Narji's wife's house in his hometown
YouTube/Abang Narji

4. This is the front yard of Widiyanti's parents' house. Even though I live in a village, the roads there are quite smooth and don't have many potholes.

Narji's wife's house in his hometown  YouTube

Narji's wife's house in his hometown
YouTube/Abang Narji

5. Narji and the men from around the house gathered in the front yard of his wife's house before going fishing.

Narji's wife's house in his hometown  YouTube

Narji's wife's house in his hometown
YouTube/Abang Narji

6. Beside the house there is still a fairly wide open area. This area is a place for guests to sit when celebrations are held.

Narji's wife's house in his hometown  YouTube

Narji's wife's house in his hometown
YouTube/Abang Narji

7. Even though she comes from a village, who would have thought that Widiyanti had many rice fields in her hometown.

Narji's wife's house in his hometown  YouTube

Narji's wife's house in his hometown
YouTube/Abang Narji

8. Widiyanti bought the rice field using money from her own savings to use as an investment for the future for her family.

Narji's wife's house in his hometown  YouTube

Narji's wife's house in his hometown
YouTube/Abang Narji
