The victim's sister expressed objection and accused the beauty clinic of malpractice.

  29 Juli 2024 09:20 - A woman from Medan City is suspected of being a victim of malpractice at a beauty clinic located in Depok City, West Java. The victim is Ella Nanda Sari Boru Hasibuan (30). The woman who worked as a celebrity died during liposuction at the WSJ Beauty beauty clinic.

This case emerged after the Instagram account @temanpolisi revealed that Ella Nanda had previously left Medan for Depok on July 22 2024. Her aim was to undergo liposuction on her arms .

"On 22/7/2024, Monday, the victim, named Ella Nanda Sari Boru Hasibuan, 30 years old, address Komplek Abadi No. 2C, departed from Medan for Depok by plane to WSJ BEAUTY&SKINCARE Depok branch to have liposuction in the arm area," wrote the statement. Instagram account @temanpolice, Friday (26/7).

Ella is known to have undergone the procedure at WSJ Beauty around 12.00 to 13.00 WIB. However, at around 14.00 WIB, a friend received a call from the hospital in Margonda saying that Ella had died.

The WSJ clinic contacted the family to take the body to Pangkalan Brandan. However, they did not provide information on the diagnosis of death.

Okta Lia Boru Hasibuan, the victim's older sister, expressed objection and accused WSJ Beauty of malpractice. The family pressed for the clinic to take responsibility, suspecting that Ella's death was unnatural.

"As the victim's older sibling, I really object to the death of my sister. This is malpractice that has been carried out by WSJ Beauty and Skincare," said Okta Lia Boru Hasibuan in a statement on the Instagram account @temanpolisi.

Meanwhile, as reported by, Depok Metro Police Chief, Police Commissioner Arya Perdana is still carrying out a more in-depth examination of the doctor who treated the victim. It is known that the victim had liposuction which was handled by a doctor and two nurses.

"One doctor and two nurses stated that there was a blood vessel that burst, resulting in the victim having to be treated intensively and ultimately dying," said Arya, quoted by , Monday (29/7).

Celebrity dies after liposuction  various sources

photo: Agung Prihanto

However, they have not been able to confirm that the cause of Ella's death was due to negligence or other factors. According to him, the cause of the victim's death can be concluded based on the results of the doctor's statement and the results of the autopsy.

"Whether it was because his blood vessel burst and he died or something else, we don't know. That's why only doctors know," he said.

Depok Metro Police will also check the legitimacy of clinics that perform liposuction, starting from licensing, doctor capabilities and doctor certification. According to him, doctors who carry out liposuction need to have certification.
