
"You are like coffee without sugar, bitter but still missed."

  29 Juli 2024 06:28 - When you want to throw insults at your crush , you should not use code words, aka things that many people already know. The reason is that the gossip becomes uninteresting and boring when heard.

For that, you need to make a joke that is rarely known to many people. This aims to attract attention and make them curious.

Gombalan that is rarely known is usually more unique and original, so it can attract the attention of dirty girls who might be bored with the usual gombalan. This can make them curious and want to know more about you.

Furthermore, memorizing and uttering jokes that are rarely known shows that you have tried and been creative to attract their hearts. This can make them feel appreciated and special. Apart from that, it can also trigger a sense of humor and intelligence.

So, for those of you who don't want to be called dry because it's just the same, you can take a look at the following list of crap. Compiled by from various sources on Monday (29/7), here are 35 deadly jokes that are rarely known, have different styles, are anti-mainstream and make crushes cry.

A rarely known romantic death match

Deadly gossip that is rarely known about


1. "You are like a rainbow in the evening sky, coloring my days with unforgettable beauty."

2. "Your smile is like the morning sun, warming my soul and lighting my way of life."

3. "Your eyes are like a vast ocean, full of mystery and beauty that I want to explore forever."

4. "Your voice is like soothing music, always able to calm the anxiety in my heart."

5. "Your touch is like an electric current, able to awaken feelings of love and passion in me."

6. "My love for you is like an endless ocean, boundless and unshaken by any storm."

7. "You are my soulmate, who I have searched for and found for a long time. I don't want to lose you again."

8. "With you, I feel like the real me. Thank you for being in my life."

9. "I promise to always love you, be loyal to you, and accompany you in joy and sorrow."

10. "You are my dream come true, my priceless love."

Funny death jokes that are rarely known

Deadly gossip that is rarely known about


11. "Do you know the difference between you and an ant? Ants are small, while you are cute."

12. "I'm willing to go on a diet as long as you want to be a side dish."

13. "Honey, do you know why Happy Tos has a picture of corn? Because if you're happy, it's just corn."

14. "You are like coffee without sugar, bitter but still missed."

15. "I'm looking for a restaurant with a Buy One Get You concept, but there's nothing like that. But if it's with you, Buy Me Get You Forever is OK, right?"

16. "What if we date? If you don't want to, that's okay. Because if you want to, I don't mind either."

17. "I know you're not a superhero, but you can always make me feel safe and comfortable."

18. "You are like pizza, the more toppings the better. And I want to be your favorite topping."

19. "I'm willing to go to prison as long as you are the jailer."

20. "I'm not a firefighter, but I can put out the fire of jealousy in your heart."

A little-known philosophical death trick

21. "Behind your cold gaze, a warm and meaningful soul is hidden."

22. "Your words may be few, but their meaning is engraved deep in the recesses of my heart."

23. "Your silence does not mean there are no feelings, but a space to understand and explore the depths of your soul."

24. "In your silence, I find the unspoken melody of love."

25. "You are like a mystery book, full of secrets that I want to reveal with words of love."

26. "You are like an abstract painting, beautiful and full of meaning that I want to understand together."

27. "You are like a mathematical theorem, complicated but always interesting to learn."

28. "You are like a Greek philosopher, wise and full of pearls of wisdom."

29. "You are like a star in the night, shining bright and full of mystery."

30. "This world is like a blank canvas, and you are the paint that can color it beautifully."

A rarely known deadly coin

Deadly gossip that is rarely known about


31. "Do you know the difference between you and a clock? If the clock can stop, but you can't stop it makes me fall in love."

32. "I want to ask, can you go to the ATM together or not? So you can withdraw together."

33. "Honey, do you know why I like taking public transportation? Because if I take a car, I can't see you on the side of the road."

34. "Do you know the difference between you and a mosquito? If a mosquito bites it itches, if you bite it makes you miss it."

35. "I want to ask, if you can go to the moon together or not? So we can see the honeymoon together."
