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Brilio.net/en - Where do the wicked migraines come from? You feel like your preciouspast years have been stolen from you.
Being in the unlucky 10 percent of worlds population that get migraines, your question often is why me? as you think of ramming your head against a wall. Youre even thought about removing your head.
The most common cause of migraines seems to be dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. In the best scenario, lack of water and electrolyte will make you feel sluggish. But in the worst case, when youre already prone to migraines, it may cause a horrible headache.
Check these possible causes of migraines and see if any seem to relate to your situation. If any of them do, maybe you can prevent things off before they start.
1. Stress
Stress might be a significant cause of both migraines and tension-type headaches. From major life changes (such as getting married, having a baby, moving to a new home) to recurring everyday problems can cause stress.
2. Alcohol
Alcohol consumption can drive some particular people to develop migraines as it dehydrates you.
3. Allergy
Allergies may set off a chain reaction that develop into a migraine.
4. Avitaminosis
Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals weaken the bodies defense against stress and disease, and can therefore also cause a migraine.
5. The big D(ehydration)
Even when you drink a lot of water, you're still vulnerable to dehydration. This is because when you have low levels of electrolytes in your body, it starts to work at removing hte excess water to eqaulize the levels with the electrolytes. This state of balance is called a homeostasis.
Additionally, according to theory, migraines themselves can cause dehydration. Its like a vicious cycle. No wonder migraines can last for days as your body struggles to find a balance in proper hydration.
6. The big E(lectrolytes)
Most of us have no idea what electrolytes are, except that they something contained in Pocari Sweat. Actually, its a kind of mineral in our bodies with a positive electrical charge. Electrolytes are responsible for helping the human body in carrying out its most biological processes, such as supporting nerve function, regulating cardiovascular system, and regulating muscle function.
We can get additional electrolytes by consuming salt. Thats why salts, especially Himalayan salts, a pink salt that has 84 kinds of minerals, electrolytes and more, will help a lot to get rid of migraines within minutes.
When the migraine attacks begin, try this recipe of migraine Magic Potion or get yourself a glass of coconut water or drink water with added Himalayan sea salt.
7. Lack of magnesium
Another mineral that plays an important part in preventing migraines is magnesium, a natural anti-inflammatory. Research shows that people with migraines often have low levels of magnesium. Some studies indicate that 200-600 milligrams of magnesium per day may reduce how often these people get migraines.
You can find additional magnesium in good quality salt to combat the inflammatory ruckus in your head.
Source: Lifehack