A protocol procedure is a series of steps or instructions designed to ensure activities are carried out in a consistent manner.

  18 September 2024 18:45

Brilio.net - Protocol procedures are a series of steps or instructions designed to ensure that a task or activity is carried out in a consistent and efficient manner. This procedure is very important in various fields, from health, security, to information technology. By following the right protocol procedures, the risk of error can be minimized and the desired results can be achieved more effectively.

Writing a protocol procedure text requires a good understanding of the steps to be followed and how to structure them in a clear and easy-to-understand format. Each step should be explained in detail and arranged logically so that the reader can follow the instructions without confusion. A well-structured format will help in conveying information more effectively.

For that, brilio.net has summarized from various sources, Wednesday (18/9) will present five examples of short protocol procedure texts complete with their formats. Each example will be described clearly, starting from the purpose, materials or tools needed, to the steps to be followed. By understanding these examples, it is hoped that it can help in compiling effective and easy-to-understand protocol procedure texts.

Understanding Protocol Procedures

A protocol procedure is a series of steps or instructions designed to ensure that a task or activity is carried out in a consistent and efficient manner. This procedure aims to minimize the risk of error and ensure that the desired results can be achieved more effectively.

Protocol procedure text format

To create a good protocol procedure text, it is important to follow clear and structured steps. The protocol aims to provide detailed and easy-to-follow guidelines so that certain activities or processes run according to established standards. Typically, protocol procedure texts are used in various fields, such as health, education, or business, to ensure that all parties understand the steps to be taken. By following the correct protocol procedure text, the risk of error can be minimized and work efficiency can be increased. The protocol procedure text is as follows:

  1. Title: State the name of the procedure or protocol to be explained.
  2. Purpose: Explain the purpose of the procedure or protocol.
  3. Materials/Tools: List of materials or tools needed to perform the procedure.
  4. Steps: A series of steps to follow to complete a procedure.

After knowing the definition and format of the protocol procedure text, you can also explore it further by looking at the examples that brilio.net has collected from various sources. Come on, see the examples

Example 1: Correct hand washing protocol procedure

Title: Proper Hand Washing Procedure

Purpose: Prevent the spread of germs and disease.

Materials/Tools: - Soap - Running water - Dry towel or tissue

Steps: 1. Wet your hands with running water. 2. Take enough soap and rub it all over your hands. 3. Rub your palms, backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails for 20 seconds. 4. Rinse your hands with running water until clean. 5. Dry your hands with a dry towel or tissue.

Example 2: Mask usage protocol procedure

Title: Procedure for Using Masks

Purpose: Prevent the spread of viruses through the air.

Materials/Tools: - Medical or cloth mask

Steps: 1. Wash your hands before touching the mask. 2. Make sure the mask is in good condition and not damaged. 3. Put on the mask by covering the nose, mouth, and chin. 4. Press the top of the mask to fit the shape of the nose. 5. Avoid touching the mask while in use. 6. Remove the mask by holding the straps or the back, not the front. 7. Wash your hands after removing the mask.

Example 3: Fire evacuation protocol procedures

Title: Fire Evacuation Procedures

Purpose: To save yourself from the danger of fire.

Materials/Tools: - Evacuation map - Fire extinguisher (if available)

Steps: 1. Stop activity immediately and remain calm. 2. Follow the evacuation instructions on the evacuation map. 3. Use the emergency stairs, avoid using the elevator. 4. If there is smoke, crawl on the floor to avoid thick smoke. 5. Exit the building and head to the designated assembly point. 6. Report your whereabouts to the evacuation officer.

Example 4: Protocol procedures for the use of fire extinguishers

Title: Procedure for Using Fire Extinguishers

Objective: To extinguish a small fire before it spreads.

Materials/Tools: - Fire extinguisher (APAR)

Steps: 1. Pull the safety pin on the fire extinguisher. 2. Point the nozzle at the base of the fire. 3. Press the lever to release the extinguishing agent. 4. Move the nozzle from side to side to evenly extinguish the fire. 5. Make sure the fire is completely out before leaving the area.

Example 5: Computer data backup protocol procedure

Title: Computer Data Backup Procedure

Purpose: Protect important data from loss or damage.

Materials/Tools: - Computer - External storage media (hard drive, cloud storage)

Steps: 1. Select the data to be backed up. 2. Connect the external storage media to the computer. 3. Copy the data to the external storage media. 4. Verify that the data has been copied correctly. 5. Store the external storage media in a safe place.

By understanding the examples of protocol procedures above, it is expected to help in compiling effective and easy-to-understand protocol procedure texts. A clear structure and detailed steps will make it easier for readers to follow instructions and achieve the desired results.
