News on television has an important role in conveying information to the public quickly and accurately.

  17 September 2024 17:45 - News on television plays an important role in conveying information to the public quickly and accurately. In this digital era, television news remains a trusted source of information and is widely relied on by various groups. However, not everyone understands how news texts on television are composed and what important elements must be in them.

News text on television must be carefully composed so that the information conveyed can be clearly received by the audience. Good news must have a clear structure, starting from the title, lead, to the complete but concise news content.

In addition, the use of language that is easy to understand and not complicated is very important so that the message to be conveyed can be well received by all groups. In compiling news texts, there are several elements that must be considered, such as clarity of information, timeliness, and relevance to current events. The news presented must be factual and accountable.

Understanding news text on television

The definition of news text on television refers to the script or script used by broadcasters to convey information to viewers. This text must be written in a straightforward and easy-to-understand language, and contain accurate and relevant information. News on television is usually presented in a short but concise format, considering the limited broadcast time. Therefore, every word used must be chosen carefully in order to convey the message effectively.

Structure of news text on television

The structure of news text on television consists of several important parts that must be present to ensure that the news can be well understood by the audience. The first part is the title, which must attract attention and provide a brief overview of the contents of the news. Next is the lead, which is the opening sentence that functions to attract the interest of the audience and provide a brief summary of the news that will be delivered. After the lead, there is the news content that contains complete information but remains brief and concise. Finally, the closing which usually contains a conclusion or additional relevant information.

After understanding the meaning and structure, you can also see several examples that has collected from various sources, Tuesday (17/9).

1. Title: flash floods in Jakarta

- Lead: Flash floods hit several areas in Jakarta this morning, causing severe traffic jams and infrastructure damage.

- News content: Heavy rain that has fallen since early morning has caused rivers in Jakarta to overflow. Several main roads are submerged in 50 cm of water, forcing residents to seek alternative routes. SAR teams have been deployed to help evacuate residents trapped in their homes.

- Conclusion: Until now, there have been no reports of fatalities, but material losses are estimated to reach billions of rupiah.

2. Title: forest fires in Kalimantan

- Lead: Forest fires have occurred again in Kalimantan, burning hundreds of hectares of land and threatening wildlife habitats.

- News content: The fire began to appear yesterday afternoon and continued to spread until this morning. Efforts to extinguish the fire are still being carried out by a joint team from the TNI, Polri, and volunteers. Thick smoke has also begun to disrupt the activities of residents around the fire location.

- Conclusion: Local governments have issued warnings to residents to avoid fire areas and wear masks to reduce the impact of smoke.

3. Title: launch of new communications satellite

- Lead: Indonesia has successfully launched a new communications satellite which is expected to improve the quality of internet networks throughout the region.

- News content: The satellite named Nusantara-1 was launched from the Space Center in the United States and will orbit at an altitude of 36,000 km above the earth's surface. This satellite is equipped with advanced technology capable of providing high-speed internet services.

- Conclusion: This launch is expected to support the government's program in expanding internet access to remote areas of the country.

4. Title: fuel price reduction

- Lead: The government officially announced a reduction in fuel prices starting today.

- News Content: This price reduction applies to all types of fuel, including premium, pertalite, and solar. This step was taken in response to the decline in world oil prices and to ease the economic burden on the community.

- Conclusion: The public is expected to take advantage of this price reduction wisely and continue to prioritize efficient energy use.

5. Title: Increase in COVID-19 cases

- Lead: COVID-19 cases in Indonesia have increased again in recent days, raising concerns of a new wave of the pandemic.

- News Content: Data from the Ministry of Health shows a significant increase in the number of daily cases, especially in the Java and Bali regions. The government has appealed to the public to continue to comply with health protocols and immediately get vaccinated for those who have not.

- Conclusion: Handling efforts continue to be carried out, including increasing hospital capacity and distributing personal protective equipment for medical personnel.

Through the examples above, it can be understood how to compose good and correct news texts, as well as the differences between the meaning and structure of news texts on television. These examples are expected to be a practical guide in composing effective and informative news texts.
