image © eduardo rivas

They paint the entire interior surface with a vibrant display of faceted faces, geometric skulls and psychedelic wildlife.

  23 Desember 2015 13:00 - Santa Barbara,100 years old neglected church in Ilanera, Spain, has been converted into a skate park to save the building from the destruction. This church was established by Manuel del Busto in 1912. Unfortunately, this church started to be abandoned by people for over half century.

The neglected church is converted into a  stunning skate park

Photo:eduardo rivas

Now, the church has been transformed into insanely gorgeous Skate Park called Kaos Temple by a group of skating enthusiasts which in collaboration with Red Bull, the official sponsor of this project.

The neglected church is converted into a  stunning skate park

Photo:eduardo rivas

As quoted from designsboom (18/12), an artist named okuda san Miguel and the skating communities started to paint colorful murals within the church indoor. They paint the entire interior surface with a vibrant display of faceted faces, geometric skulls and psychedelic wildlife. Not to mention, it can be the coolest spot to skate weve seen.

The neglected church is converted into a  stunning skate park

If you are still curious about the architecture and mural shown in the Santa Barbara Church, you can watch this video:
