In one day trains pass 2 to 4 times

  12 Mei 2020 15:01

Hi Brilio friends, let's watch the following unique and interesting video.

Almost every afternoon before evening, the streets in Kampung Pengok, Yogyakarta are always busy with people who want to see the trains passing by. It is known that the train is a train that goes in and out of PT KAI's Balai Yasa repair shop.

Being in the middle of a residential village means people can freely see it up close. Moreover, in one day the train passes 2 to 4 times. Apart from that, trains that have just received repairs will be tested on the existing tracks in Kampung Pengok.

According to local residents, the rails have been built since the Dutch era or hundreds of years ago. Even in the 80s, the area was still empty of forest. Until around the early 2000s, people started building houses in the village area.
