The meaning of the symbol of the Indonesian Scout movement, complete with its history and meaning
Various types of scouting proficiency signs and their functions
Get to know the five types of scout attributes that every member must have
Confession of a man who graduated in petroleum engineering and became a successful technician at a top company, his parents hope to become a civil servant
This UGM Masters graduate returned to his village because he couldn't bear to leave his parents, it was difficult to find work, now he sells fish
Without eggs and milk, here's a trick to making bomboloni donuts so the results are still soft and fluffy.
8 dishes to welcome the newlyweds Yislam, Fadil Jaidi and Miskah's older brother, complete with sweets
It can last for 1 month, this is a trick to make tape anti-stale, legit, and non-greasy
No need to buy anymore, here's a trick to make soda drinks healthier and reduce sugar content by 75 percent
Previously opposed because it didn't sell, the story of Ridho Al Rahman, the pioneer of warmindo, serves typical Kalimantan menus
[QUIZ] Do you like sour fruit or star fruit for cooking vegetables? Your choice reveals your true character