Getting to know Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro, the Minister of Education and Science and Technology who is currently in the spotlight. SEE MORE...
9 Moments when Kaesang and Erina Gudono held their first child's akikah, the event decoration resembled a playground
Mahfud MD invites his son-in-law, here are 10 photos of Royhan Akbar and Zahwa Nadhira's reception using Betawi customs
9 Moments of the marriage contract of Angela Perkasa, daughter of Andika Perkasa and Hafiz Akbar, the nominal dowry is fantastic
9 Moments of Annisa Pohan and Almira watching a fashion show, AHY's daughter's style attracts attention
8 Years of College Until He Wanted to Give Up, 9 Moments When Nicholas Sean, Veronica Tan-Ahok's Son, Underwent His Doctor's Oath
His handsome face caught the attention of the president during the inauguration, here are 9 portraits of Kyran Djiwandono, Prabowo's 'grandson'
9 Facts about Omar Armandiego Soeharto, Anggika Bolsterli's husband, this is his relationship with the Cendana Family
9 Portraits of AHY awarded cum laude doctor's degree from Airlangga University, SBY claims not to care
11 Moments of Azizah Salsha when she accompanied her father to be appointed as a member of the DPR, her ring finger making salfok
5 Moments of Zumi Zola's Closeness to Putri Zulkifli Hasan, Ex-wife's Comments in the Spotlight
7 Moments When Trade Minister Zulkifli Hassan Shared a Bunch of Money on His Grandson's Birthday, Flooded with Criticism from Netizens
His hedonistic style is in the spotlight, these are the prices of 5 of Kaesang Pangarep's clothing items, his watch is worth a house
Praised for making good use of privilege, here are 7 portraits of Almira Yudhoyono attending a UN simulation conference
Often appearing with semi-bold makeup, here are 7 portraits of Erina Gudono with and without makeup.
9 Portraits of celebrities at the wedding of Nadine, daughter of Susi Pudjiastuti, Xanana Gusmao is close to Yuni Shara
Susi Pudjiastuti's son-in-law, 9 moments of Nadine Kaiser and Geoffrey's simple wedding ceremony at the mosque
9 Moments of Nadine Kaiser, Susi Pudjiastuti's daughter, bathing in the shower before her wedding with Geoffrey, with a strong Javanese tradition
Erina Gudono and Kaesang allegedly boarded a private jet to the United States, the rental price makes you shake your head
Initially disagreeing, this is Atalia Praratya's story when her child decided to take off the hijab
9 The moment Ridwan Kamil received an honoris causa degree from Glasgow University, Zara's presence made me confused
Finally able to perform Umrah with Kaesang after 5 delays, these are Erina Gudono's 6 moments in the Holy Land
The house is like a palace, there is a secret room, 11 portraits of Princess Zulkifli Hasan's room equipped with a private kitchen
So Ridwan Kamil's son's talk after taking off his hijab was once again in the spotlight as being considered disrespectful to humanity
Ridwan Kamil's touching words when his daughter chose to take off the hijab, said the best thing was to pray for her
When invited to discuss the princess's decision to take off the hijab, Atalia admitted that she was surprised by Zara's post
Now studying in England, Ridwan Kamil's daughter has decided to take off the hijab, her mother's response is in the spotlight
So, this is the figure of Geoffrey Alain, the boyfriend of Susi Pudjiastuti's daughter who has a classy profession
Her house is behind her parents' residence, these 9 portraits of Princess Zulkifli Hasan's room have a secret door
Called suitable to be an Indonesian Princess, these 7 portraits of Almira Yudhoyono's presentation about batik are captivating
From the military to becoming Minister of ATR, these 7 old portraits of AHY when he was an Akmil cadet make you wonder