Even though it is simple, this kitchen table is functional and can fit a lot of furniture.

  14 Juni 2024 20:45

Sometimes rental housing does not have complete facilities. One room that is often not included as a facility is the kitchen. In fact, the kitchen is an important part of the house for cooking and storing various cooking needs.

Therefore, tenants have to think twice about still being able to have a kitchen. One way is to make a temporary kitchen. You can just use the materials used on a table, you know.

You can copy Beatrix Lee's method for making a kitchen. From initially being empty, now the kitchen room is equipped with a table and cooking utensils. The kitchen is sturdy even though it only uses a table.

Check out how to make a kitchen from a wooden table compiled by brilio.net from Beatrix Lee's YouTube on Saturday (15/6).


So, for the table base, use flat wood that is installed in a hollow shape like this.

 2024 YouTube
