foto: Instagram/@franciscus; YouTube/KOMSOS KWI

While traveling around in the Maung car, the Pope was escorted by the Swiss Guard, a special security force that faithfully accompanied him throughout the event.

  5 September 2024 20:10

Pope Francis began a mass at the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium in Jakarta on Thursday (5/9). Before the mass began, the Pope toured the stadium using a Maung car manufactured by PT Pindad.

When Pope Francis entered the stadium at around 16:30 WIB, all Catholics present stood to welcome his arrival. While driving around in the Maung car, the Pope was escorted by the Swiss Guard, a special security force that faithfully accompanied him throughout the event.

The warmth of the event was further felt when Pope Francis blessed the babies and children around the altar. The car he was riding in moved slowly towards the altar, accompanied by cheers of Viva Il Papa from the congregation.

Upon arrival at the altar, the atmosphere of the stadium changed to calm with the strains of the Ave Maria sung by the choir. The mass then began at 16.30 WIB with the silentium ritual, creating a solemn atmosphere.

The mass, which carries the theme of diversity, displays various elements of Nusantara culture, including prayers read in various regional languages. What's more interesting is the statue of the Virgin Mary wearing a kebaya and batik skirt.

Here, has compiled Pope Francis' grand mass at GBK from KEMSOS KWI YouTube on Thursday (5/9).


3. Pope Francis' grand mass was attended by around 86 thousand Catholics from all over Indonesia. Even so, they did not use the field so the grass was not damaged, you know.

