
A crusty stove makes the cooking process less than optimal.

  7 September 2024 11:30

Every time you cook, the stovetop is prone to spills of oil, gravy, or food ingredients that can cause stains and black crust that are difficult to clean. This accumulation of dirt not only disrupts the aesthetics of the kitchen, but can also affect the efficiency of the stove's heat. This can certainly make the cooking process less than optimal.

Black crust and dirt that sticks to the stovetop often requires extra effort to clean. Because the crust is quite stubborn, using regular detergent is not effective enough to remove layers of oil and hardened food residue. The cleaning process usually involves soaking in hot water mixed with detergent or special ingredients. In addition, the stovetop also needs to be scrubbed with a rough brush to be completely clean.

But did you know? Actually, you don't always have to use hot water to clean this black crusty stovetop. An Instagram user @danirapalace once proved this through one of the videos she uploaded. When she wanted to clean the stovetop, she chose to use kitchen ingredients only.

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @danirapalace on Friday (6/9), the kitchen ingredients in question are baking soda and vinegar only. Yup, these two ingredients will later be mixed and can lift even stubborn black crust.


Well, the cleaned stove stand becomes shinier and drier like new. Not only black crust, oil and food stains that stick to the stove stand are also completely gone. You can immediately dry the stove stand and reinstall it on the stove body.

