
Their faces when they were little were equally adorable.

  17 September 2024 08:00

Lately, actor Baim Alkatiri or better known as Baim Cilik has been in the spotlight. This is because of the heartbreaking story he experienced, related to the money he earned from his hard work since he was a child. Yes, in an interview, the 19-year-old actor admitted that the Rp32.4 billion he earned from his hard work as a child artist disappeared because his father took it. He now has to struggle to support himself.

Despite the difficulties he experienced, Nizam Hasan, his childhood friend, always faithfully supported Baim, so that he would always be enthusiastic in facing problems. Nizam and Naim were often seen together in soap operas in the early 2000s such as Baim Anak Sholeh, Buku Harian Baim, and many more.

Knowing his best friend is in trouble, Nizam said he will always support Baim . However, he also does not want to interfere too much because this concerns a family matter.

"As a friend, I will always support him, but I don't want to interfere too much because this is a personal matter," said Nizam, quoted from YouTube/Brownis Trans TV, Monday (16/9).

On the other hand, Baim also admitted that Nizam was a friend since he was a toddler who still communicates well with him until now. So, what is the portrait of the transformation of Baim Alkatiri and Nizam Hasan's togetherness like? Let's see the following summary from from various sources, Monday (16/9).


It's not uncommon for Baim and Nizam to meet just to hang out or have a reunion.

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