Dede Yusuf's eldest child, Alifiya Arkana, has successfully completed her Masters degree at the University of Birmingham, England. Her graduation moment was shared by her father, Dede Yusuf, on his Instagram account @ddyusuf66, on Friday (13/12).
Alifiya Arkana, or often called Lifi, recently successfully completed her Masters degree in Marketing and received a Master of Science degree.
Dede Yusuf and his wife, Sendy Ramania, also attended their daughter's important moment.
So how is the portrait of Dede Yusuf who accompanied his daughter to graduation? Come on, take a peek at the portrait as summarized from Instagram @ddyusuf66, Friday (13/12).
Dede Yusuf was proud to announce that his daughter, Lifi, had completed her Masters degree at the University of Birmingham majoring in Marketing. Not only did she graduate, Lifi also achieved the highest grade in her class.