Let them troll your little brothers and sisters' moment!

  24 Mei 2016 15:58

Brilio.net/en - So youve got no idea how to be a good brother or sister? Well, at least you can do the most sensible and basic thing like giving them a present on their birthday. We know you love them but perhaps you want to give them something that will make them say WTF as a gift. Cmon just once in a lifetime, you will not ruin their childhood or maybe you will.

As you are still reading this, well take that as a yes. We got some suggestions for you ranging from barbie to superhero toys, cartoon to Hollywood movie characters. So, feel free to pick these knock-off toys and let them troll your little brothers and sisters moment. Here we go!

1. When you know Spiderman is actually Tom Berenger

Knock off Toys  2016 brilio.net

2. Super-Bat is a new thing now!

Knock off Toys  2016 brilio.net

3. This guy is pretty popular on Youtube

Knock off Toys  2016 brilio.net

4. Elmo is hot AF

Knock off Toys  2016 brilio.net

5. Anyone notice whats wrong with his costume?

Knock off Toys  2016 brilio.net

6. Are you cocky enough to step on it?

Knock off Toys  2016 brilio.net

7. Jamaican Pikachu

Knock off Toys  2016 brilio.net

8. Spongebob Starfish

Knock off Toys  2016 brilio.net

9. We guess weve seen it somewhere, not in a toyshop though

Knock off Toys  2016 brilio.net

10. Watch out Voldemort!

Knock off Toys  2016 brilio.net

11. They sit... and what!?

Knock off Toys  2016 brilio.net


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