
Sugar spills scattered on the carpet are difficult to clean.

  8 Desember 2024 08:30

Brilio.net - Using carpets in the living room area or in front of the television can increase the aesthetic value and comfort of the room. Carpets can also be used as a seat when relaxing or enjoying food with family. However, the risk of food and drink spills on the carpet is something that cannot be avoided.

The fibrous texture of carpet creates its own challenges when it comes to cleaning food stains, especially sugar spills. Fine sugar particles can easily get trapped between the carpet fibers, making the cleaning process even more complicated. The situation becomes even more complex when the spill occurs in the middle of the carpet, as brooming can potentially damage or dirty other areas of the carpet.

A vacuum cleaner is the most effective solution to solve the problem of sugar spills on carpets. This equipment is specially designed to clean dust and dirt on fibrous surfaces such as carpets and other home furnishings. With the ability to reach difficult areas, a vacuum cleaner makes the cleaning process easier. However, questions arise when a vacuum cleaner is not available at home.

Don't worry, there is a special trick that can be applied to clean the sugar spill without using a vacuum cleaner. This trick was shared by the TikTok account @fakearchitect.


Quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok/@fakearchitect on Friday (6/12), through the uploaded video, he showed spilled sugar on the carpet.

Tricks to clean carpet from sugar spills  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@fakearchitect

Instead of using a vacuum cleaner, he actually uses a clear glass cup to clean up the sugar spill. Before using it, the glass cup is doused with water first so that it is wet. After that, he places the glass cup on top of the sugar spill in an upside down position.

Tricks to clean carpet from sugar spills  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@fakearchitect

Then he quickly slides the glass. But don't slide it too far so that the spilled sugar doesn't dirty other parts of the carpet. This process is carried out until all the sugar grains that spilled on the carpet stick to the surface of the glass. Because the surface of the glass is wet, the sugar grains will stick more easily. That way, the carpet is clean again.

Tricks to clean carpet from sugar spills  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@fakearchitect

This video of cleaning up spilled sugar on the carpet has gone viral and has been watched millions of times. It is no wonder that many netizens are interested because they claim to have just learned the trick. This was also expressed by netizens through the comments column.

Watch on TikTok

"It really helps if it falls in the middle of the carpet," said TikTok/@kawulamudaindonesia.

"Thanks," replied TikTok/@nokfifi94.

"Yeah, I'll try it later," said TikTok/@layliafftnnsa.

"Wow, thanks, Ngab," said TikTok/@usweetzy.

"For me, I lift the carpet, turn it over and then use a thresher," explained TikTok/@littlemonster237.
