However, if the bathroom drain is clogged, there will definitely be a strong smell.

  26 Maret 2024 15:00 - A clean bathroom is guaranteed because it is cleaned regularly. The reason is, if it is often left dirty, moss and crust stains will fill the bathroom floor. Not only that, sometimes a buildup of dirt can clog the bathroom drain.

However, if the bathroom drain is clogged, there will definitely be a strong odor. This certainly makes you uncomfortable using the bathroom, right?

If it is already dirty and smells like urine , some people deliberately spread camphor in several parts of the bathroom. That way, the smell of urine in the bathroom is disguised.

But you don't just have to buy mothballs, it turns out there are other methods that can be used to get rid of the smell of urine in the bathroom. The method was demonstrated by YouTube user Bang Jack Official. It can be seen in his video upload that he replaced camphor with a type of drink .

Curious about how?

An effective way to get rid of the smell of urine in the bathroom is just to use 1 type of drink.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Bang Jack Official on Tuesday (26/3), one type of drink used is black coffee. In his video upload, this netizen appears to be wearing a pack of instant black coffee.

the smell of toilet urine using coffee  2024

photo: YouTube/Bang Jack Official

On the other hand, this netizen admitted that the smell of urine in his bathroom came from a clogged drain in the toilet. Therefore, black coffee grounds are sprinkled directly into the drain in the toilet.

the smell of toilet urine using coffee  2024

photo: YouTube/Bang Jack Official

Leave it for a few moments so that the black coffee can absorb the smell of urine optimally. Reporting from, the caffeine content in coffee is effective in removing all kinds of unpleasant odors.

After leaving it for a while, the smell of urine in the bathroom disappeared. Just rinse the toilet with normal water. Once done, the toilet will be clean again and will not smell of urine at all.

Factors causing the smell of urine in the bathroom.

The smell of urine in the bathroom can be caused by various factors. Some factors that may cause a urine smell in the bathroom include.

1. Humidity.

A bathroom that is damp and lacks adequate ventilation can cause the growth of mold and bacteria, which can produce unpleasant odors.

2. Dirt and remains.

Food scraps, hair and other dirt on the floor or around the toilet can be a source of unpleasant odors if not cleaned regularly.

3. Waste water disposal.

A clogged or poorly functioning drain can cause wastewater to build up in the pipes, which can produce an unpleasant odor.

4. Cracked ceramics.

Cracks or leaks in ceramics, especially around the toilet or bathtub area, can become a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus that produce unpleasant odors.

5. Drain filter.

If the drain filter in the toilet hole is clogged or dirty, this can cause rot and give off an unpleasant odor.

To overcome the problem of urine odor in the bathroom, it is important to maintain regular cleanliness, repair any damage or leaks, and ensure there is good ventilation to reduce humidity in the bathroom. Apart from that, keeping the septic tank and drain filter clean is also an important step to prevent unpleasant odors.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.