foto: YouTube/yu sitie chanel - The bathroom should be the best place to clean the body after a day of activities, but this room is often the source of the spread of stains. Not without reason, a bathroom that is not properly maintained will cause various dirt to accumulate on several sides, including on the ceramic.
One common problem that is often encountered is stained and crusty bathroom tiles . Stubborn stains from soap, shampoo, to minerals in the water make the bathroom look dull and less hygienic. The crust that sticks tightly to the ceramic surface also worsens this condition, making it difficult to clean.
Various types of chemical cleaners have been circulating in the market, but not all are effective in dealing with stains and crust on bathroom ceramics. In addition, the use of chemicals too often can damage the ceramic surface and endanger health. Therefore, it is important to find a safe and effective cleaning solution to maintain the cleanliness and beauty of the bathroom.
Fortunately, there are several natural ways and household ingredients that can be used to clean stained and crusty bathroom tiles. If you are confused, you can imitate the method of YouTube user yu sitie chanel. Through one of the videos uploaded, she admitted to only using simple ingredients.
As reported by BrilioFood from YouTube yu sitie chanel on Friday (13/12), the ingredient in question is dishwashing soap. But besides that, he also relies on one other ingredient, namely citric acid. Well, these two ingredients will later make the crust fade easily even without brushing, you know.
photo: YouTube/yu sitie chanel
For the measurements, you only need to prepare 1 sachet of citric acid, 4 tablespoons of dish soap, and 1/2 ladle of hot water. Now, mix all these ingredients together. Then stir until smooth and dissolved. That way, the cleaning fluid can be used immediately.
photo: YouTube/yu sitie chanel
How to use it, you only need to apply the liquid using a brush. While applying, rub the surface of the bathroom ceramic that has crust with the brush. Who would have thought, in one swipe, the crust is gone and the difference between the ceramic that has been cleaned and not is immediately visible.
photo: YouTube/yu sitie chanel
Then, for maximum results, do this process repeatedly until the crust is completely removed. Only then rinse the bathroom ceramics with running water. That way, bathroom tiles that were originally dirty and dirty will become shinier, you know. Of course the surface will also be rougher.
Having been watched more than 890 thousand times, this video on how to clean bathroom tiles has immediately caught the attention of netizens. Many other YouTube users then gave direct responses in the comments column. Most of these netizens are even interested in trying the trick directly.
"Thank you for your type," said YouTube @Maryati10-c5r.
"If I add vinegar...and hot water...let it sit for a can be used for the toilet legs. If the stains are stubborn, rub them with sandpaper or a dishwashing wire, it won't damage the toilet," said YouTube @NifiraArifin-gx4re.
"Now this is the safe way.
"My nephew bought the advertised cleaner, the material is very strong. The adhesive cement (between the tiles) is falling off," said YouTube @aonondoeth7398.
"Yes, sis e Tek, please try it... thanks," wrote the YouTube account @nanibunendj2911.
"For me... Citrun and Rinso, Mom... Thanks for the tips, Mom," commented the YouTube account @WasriCici.