Brilio.net - Maintaining the gallon at home to keep it in good condition is very important. If the gallon is damaged, its function as a water container will be lost and the gallon must be thrown away. However, gallons that are no longer used can still be used in other ways.
As done by a netizen named Wicaksono, who often turns used gallons into useful household items. He said he often makes new furniture from the bottom or funnel of gallons that are no longer used. So, damaged gallons do not need to be thrown away immediately, but can be turned into something useful.
Curious about what you want to make with your gallon?
"Meanwhile, we can use the bottom one as a foot wash or container," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @wicaksono_ari on Thursday (31/8).
This gallon can apparently be transformed into a lampshade or lamp decoration to make the appearance of the house more aesthetic, you know. In addition to the bottom or funnel of the gallon, other materials needed are a lamp fitting extender and any type of lamp. Wicaksono said, you can use regular bulbs or LEDs.
Netizens' action of transforming used gallons into lampshades
Extend the lamp fitting can be inserted first into the middle of the gallon lid. Then, return the lid position to the gallon. If the position is right, then install the lamp. If so, the lamp fitting and the gallon cap can be directly installed into the electrical channel in the room.
Netizens' action of transforming used gallons into lampshades
After being installed on the power line, press the light switch to make sure the lamp can turn on. As a result, the appearance of the lamp becomes more aesthetic because there is an additional shade from this used bottle, right? Wicaksono also added, if you want to be more beautiful, you can also decorate this lampshade, you know.
"To make it more attractive, you can paint it or add other ornaments," he explained.
Netizens' action of transforming used gallons into lampshades
How about instead of buying a lampshade from the market, making it yourself will be more unique, right? Looking at the upload of TikTok @wicaksono_ari, not many netizens have left comments. However, this video has been watched more than 16 thousand times, you know.
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