foto: Instagram/@wildan_ggcs

Black oil stains can be removed without damaging the fabric.

  11 Agustus 2024 15:30 - Oil from engines or vehicles has a sticky and oily nature, so it is easily absorbed into the fabric fibers. When it comes into contact with clothing such as pants, oil stains will stick and make the pants look black. If this stain is not treated immediately, it can leave permanent marks that damage the appearance of the clothes. Therefore, fast and proper handling is very important to prevent oil stains from getting worse.

Unfortunately, many people are still confused when they want to remove oil stains. Not without reason, this type of stain is very stubborn and requires special handling. In some cases, detergent alone is not enough to remove oil stains on pants. Therefore, many people rely on other ingredients, such as bleach or citric acid.

Although they are effective, these two ingredients also have side effects. If used too often, bleach and citric acid can damage the fabric fibers. As a result, clothes become unusable.

Well, to be safer, you can imitate the method shared by Instagram user @wildan_ggcs in removing black oil stains on pants. Through one of the videos uploaded, he admitted to only relying on simple ingredients, one of which came from the kitchen. With these ingredients, black oil stains can be removed without damaging the fabric .

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @wildan_ggcs on Sunday (11/8), the simple ingredient used is toothpaste, while the kitchen ingredient used is vinegar. These two ingredients can be directly mixed together in a container. After that, stir until completely mixed. That way, the cleaning agent is ready to use.

how to remove black oil stains on pants  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@wildan_ggcs

Next, apply this cleaning agent directly to the pants that have oil stains. You can apply it using an old toothbrush. Once it has been applied evenly, let it sit for 30 minutes so that the toothpaste and vinegar can soak into the fabric fibers.

how to remove black oil stains on pants  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@wildan_ggcs

Now, the pants that have been left for 30 minutes can be rubbed immediately. If the oil stain is very stubborn, you can rub it with a clothes brush. Do this process until the stain is completely gone.

how to remove black oil stains on pants  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@wildan_ggcs

Finally, rinse the pants under running water. While rinsing, you can rub them occasionally so that the oil stains and cleaner residue are completely removed. That way, the washed pants will look cleaner because they are free of oil stains.

how to remove black oil stains on pants  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@wildan_ggcs

Toothpaste and vinegar are known to be effective home remedies for removing oil stains from pants because they each have properties that help break down and lift oil from fabric.

When toothpaste is applied to an oil stain and gently rubbed, the abrasive helps break down the bonds between the oil and the fabric, making the stain easier to remove. On the other hand, vinegar has the ability to neutralize odors , so in addition to cleaning stains, it can also help remove the unpleasant odor that comes from oil.
