YouTube/Zulaikha pratiwy

Not with camphor, but simple ingredients found in the kitchen.

  27 Februari 2024 20:01 - A fragrant and clean bathroom is anyone's dream. To maintain this, the bathroom must be cleaned regularly. If the conditions are clean, the bathroom is certainly more hygienic and does not bring disease to its users.

Unfortunately, a clean bathroom doesn't necessarily smell good, you know. Drains or residual waste that is not flushed properly can cause the bathroom to smell. To anticipate this, a number of people usually put new chalk in the corner of the bathroom.

Camphor can indeed help disguise strong unpleasant odors. However, the downside is that camphor usually doesn't last long. The size will decrease and run out in a short time.

Even though you know, there are other ingredients that can be used to effectively eliminate unpleasant odors in the bathroom. Not with camphor, but simple ingredients found in the kitchen. Yup, YouTube user Zulaikha Pratiwy has done this to get rid of unpleasant odors in the bathroom using kitchen ingredients.

How to get rid of unpleasant odors in the bathroom quickly.

Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only relied on three kitchen ingredients. Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Zulaikha Pratiwy on Tuesday (27/2), the kitchen ingredients in question are baking soda, vinegar and dishwashing soap. So, just mix all the ingredients in a bucket or container. Then dissolve it with enough warm water.

Tricks to get rid of unpleasant odors in the bathroom so that it smells good for a long time  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Zulaikha pratiwy

Next, apply the mixture of kitchen ingredients to the bathroom floor and walls. While applying, rub using a brush or brush. For maximum results, you can also sprinkle baking soda and vinegar on the bathroom floor. After scrubbing with a brush, the unpleasant smell disappears.

Tricks to get rid of unpleasant odors in the bathroom so that it smells good for a long time  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Zulaikha pratiwy

If it has been rubbed evenly, flush with water until clean. Apart from eliminating unpleasant odors, this trick also makes the bathroom cleaner and shinier, you know.

"You don't just use air freshener, the smell is gone," said YouTuber Zulaikha Pratiwy.

Tricks to get rid of unpleasant odors in the bathroom so that it smells good for a long time  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Zulaikha pratiwy

If you want your bathroom to smell more fragrant, you can also mix your own long-lasting fragrance. Still in the same video, Zulaikha uses camphor, mixed with clothes freshener and table vinegar. Then place it in one corner of the bathroom. That way, the mixture of these ingredients will make the bathroom smell better for a long time.

Tricks to get rid of unpleasant odors in the bathroom so that it smells good for a long time  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Zulaikha pratiwy

Having been watched more than 376 thousand times, this video about tricks for eliminating unpleasant bathroom odors immediately caught the attention of netizens. Many other YouTube users claim to be helped by this trick. This was expressed directly through the comments column.

"Thank you for the tips to make your bathroom smell good," said YouTube @nengsopariah7403.

"Alhamdulillah...thank you, bro, there are cleaners that are friendlier than the ones you buy ready-to-use...sometimes it makes you drunk when you clean in large quantities..., jazaakillahu khoir," said YouTube @dhasanoviesatrianty7367.

"Thank God, there are more tips for sneezing in the shower. You can also use lemon, bro... it's shiny... thanks, bro," said YouTube @idhaquilo_lifes7284.

"Very useful practical knowledge. Thank you, my brother, for sharing your knowledge. God bless," said YouTube @monicasuwahyo7007.

"Thanks for the tips, bro. I also think that bathroom number 1 must be clean and glowing every day, brush the floor and toilet and the walls only once every 3 days," said YouTube @ica766hi86.

How to make bathroom freshener from kitchen ingredients.

You can make your own bathroom freshener using commonly available kitchen ingredients. Here are some ways to freshen up your bathroom:

1. Essential oil spray.

Mix water with a few drops of your favorite essential oil (such as lavender, peppermint, or lemon) in a spray bottle. Spray it in the bathroom to give it a fresh scent.

2. Potpourri.

Mix the pieces of dried orange peel, cinnamon, cloves and other aromatic ingredients in a small bowl. Place it in the bathroom to provide a fragrant aroma.

3. Baking soda.

Mix baking soda with a few drops of essential oil and place this mixture in an open container in the bathroom. Baking soda will absorb bad odors while essential oils provide a fresh scent.

4. Lemon and baking soda scrub.

Mix lemon juice with baking soda to make a paste. Use this paste to clean sinks, bathtubs and other areas. Apart from cleaning, the scent of lemon will freshen the bathroom.

5. Vinegar spray.

Mix white vinegar with water in a spray bottle and spray on areas that need freshening. Once the vinegar has evaporated, the scent will dissipate and the bathroom will smell fresher.

6. Coffee.

Place the used wet coffee in a small bowl in the bathroom. Coffee will absorb unpleasant odors.

7. Natural fragrance.

Mix coconut oil with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Place this mixture in a bottle with some reeds. This fragrance will spread the aroma into the air.

8. Air freshener gel.

Mix hot water with gelatin and essential oil. Pour this mixture into a small container and let it harden. This gel can release a fresh aroma into the air.

9. Fragrance from orange peel.

Dry the orange peels and place them in a small container in the bathroom. Orange peel will provide a natural fresh aroma.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.