It does feel like a relief, but it turns out there are risks that we must be aware of.

  5 Oktober 2024 09:30 - When the sun is shining hot and sweat starts pouring, a glass of iced tea is like an oasis in the desert. Cold, sweet, and refreshing - who can resist this temptation? However, behind the freshness offered, there are some surprising facts that you may not know.

Drinking iced tea during hot weather has become a habit for many people. The cold sensation that spreads from the throat to the whole body is indeed very pampering. But have you ever wondered, is this habit really good for the body? Or maybe, without realizing it, you are triggering health problems?

Iced tea in hot weather: Tempting benefits.

Who would have thought that behind the freshness of iced tea, there are actually various health benefits? Let's take a look at the goodness offered by this favorite drink, especially when the weather is hot.

Drinking iced tea in hot weather apparently has several benefits that are supported by scientific research:

1. Fast hydration.

According to a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (2019), cold drinks such as iced tea can help reduce core body temperature and improve hydration status more effectively than drinks at room temperature. This means that iced tea can be a quick solution to overcome dehydration due to hot weather.

2. Boost energy and alertness.

The caffeine content in tea can provide a mild energy boost. A study in the Journal of Functional Foods (2017) found that tea consumption can improve alertness and cognitive performance, which often decline in hot weather.

3. Source of antioxidants.

Tea is rich in antioxidants, especially catechins and polyphenols. Research in the Journal of Nutrition (2018) shows that regular tea consumption can increase the body's antioxidant capacity, which is important for fighting oxidative stress from excessive heat exposure.

4. Skin protection.

A study in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2019) revealed that tea polyphenols can help protect the skin from damage caused by UV exposure, which is especially relevant during hot weather.

Risks to be aware of.

However, don't jump to conclusions. Like two sides of a coin, iced tea also has another side that you need to be aware of. Let's see what risks might lurk behind the freshness of iced tea.

Despite having a number of benefits, drinking iced tea during hot weather also has several risks that you need to be aware of:

1. Thermal shock.

Research in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport (2018) explains that consuming very cold drinks when the body is hot can cause thermal shock, which has the potential to affect the cardiovascular system.

2. Gastric irritation.

The World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology (2016) highlighted that consuming cold drinks can increase gastric acid secretion in some individuals, especially if drunk on an empty stomach.

3. Blood sugar spikes.

For sweet iced tea, the main risk is a spike in blood sugar. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2019) warns that excessive consumption of sweet drinks can increase the risk of obesity and metabolic disease.

4. Diuretic effect.

Although mild, the caffeine in tea has a diuretic effect. The Frontiers in Nutrition journal (2020) explains that although the diuretic effect of caffeine is not significant, excessive consumption can still affect the body's fluid balance.

Good iced tea vs. the ones to avoid.

Not all iced teas are created equal. Some can be your health ally, while others can be your enemy. Let's dissect together, which iced teas you should choose and which ones you should avoid when the weather is hot.

Good iced tea to drink in hot weather:
1. Iced tea without sugar or with low-calorie sweeteners
2. Iced tea made from high quality tea to maximize antioxidant benefits.
3. Drink iced tea slowly and in moderate amounts
4. Iced tea combined with fresh fruit for additional nutrition.

Iced teas to avoid in hot weather:
1. Iced tea with high sugar content
2. Iced tea drunk too quickly or in large quantities
3. Iced tea that is too cold (almost frozen)
4. Iced tea mixed with alcoholic beverages

Who can and cannot drink iced tea in hot weather?

Everyone has a different body condition. What is good for one person may not be suitable for another. The same goes for iced tea. Let's see if you are included in the group that can enjoy iced tea freely, or if you need to be more careful.

Can drink iced tea in hot weather:
1. Healthy adults without digestive problems or sensitivity to caffeine.
2. Individuals who are well hydrated
3. Those who do not have problems with blood sugar (for sweet iced tea)
4. People who are not in very hot conditions or after intensive exercise

It's best to avoid iced tea during hot weather:
1. Individuals with digestive problems such as GERD or gastritis
2. People with high sensitivity to caffeine
3. People with diabetes or prediabetes (for sweet iced tea)
4. Children under 12 years (due to caffeine content)
5. Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers (consult a doctor first)
6. People who are in very hot conditions or after heavy exercise (it is better to drink water first)

Tips for enjoying iced tea in hot weather.

Already know the pros and cons, but still want to enjoy a glass of iced tea in the middle of the hot sun? Don't worry! Here are some tips so you can still enjoy the freshness of iced tea without having to worry about the side effects.

1. Choose the right time: Avoid drinking iced tea immediately after exercising or doing heavy activities under the hot sun.

2. Watch your portions: Drink in moderation and slowly to avoid thermal shock or digestive discomfort.

3. Control sugar levels: If you make it yourself, reduce the amount of sugar. If you buy it, ask for the sugar to be reduced or choose a sugar-free variant.

4. Combine with water: Don't just rely on iced tea for hydration. Vary it with water to ensure your body stays well hydrated.

5. Choose quality tea: Use good quality tea to get maximum antioxidant benefits.

6. Add lemon: Adding a squeeze of lemon not only adds flavor, but also increases the vitamin C content.
