- "The Wind Rises" is an animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki, one of the Japanese animation maestros who is famous for his stunning and meaningful works. This film was released in 2013 and became one of Miyazaki's last works before he announced his retirement (although he later returned to work). "The Wind Rises" tells the life of Jiro Horikoshi, an aviation engineer who designed the Mitsubishi A6M Zero fighter plane used by Japan during World War II.
SynopsisThe film is based on a novel by Tatsuo Hori and is also inspired by the real life of Jiro Horikoshi. The story begins with Jiro as a child who dreams of becoming a pilot, but due to his poor eyesight, he decides to become an aircraft engineer. The film depicts Jiro's life journey, from his childhood, education, to his career as an aircraft engineer. Along the way, Jiro faces various challenges, including the Great Kanto Earthquake, the economic depression, and finally, war.
One of the aspects that makes "The Wind Rises" so compelling is the way it combines historical elements with fiction. Miyazaki meticulously depicts the era of Japan before and during World War II, giving viewers an intimate look at the challenges and changes that Japanese society faced at the time. The film's stunning visuals and rich detail are a hallmark, creating a captivating viewing experience.
In addition, "The Wind Rises" also presents a deep and complex theme. The film explores dreams, love, and sacrifice. Jiro is depicted as someone who is very dedicated to his work, but he also has to face a moral dilemma regarding the use of the aircraft he designed for war. Jiro's relationship with Nahoko, the woman he loves, adds an emotional layer to the story, depicting genuine love amidst hardship and tragedy.
The film's music, composed by Joe Hisaishi, also adds beauty and emotional depth. A soft, melancholic score accompanies Jiro's journey, reinforcing the mood and emotion he is trying to convey.
"The Wind Rises" is a compelling film to watch because it offers more than just beautiful animation. It invites viewers to reflect on the meaning of dreams and sacrifice, as well as the impact of technological innovation in the context of war. With a strong narrative, deep characters, and stunning visuals, "The Wind Rises" manages to convey a touching and relevant message, making it one of Hayao Miyazaki's best works. The film is not only entertaining, but also inspiring and thought-provoking, making it a worthwhile watch for anyone who appreciates art and deep storytelling.