foto: Instagram/@tamaratyasmara;@mimi_julid

This depth is considered unreasonable for a 6 year old child whose height has not yet reached 1 meter.

  10 Februari 2024 18:25 - The case of the death of Raden Andante Khalif Pramudityo or Dante, who was the son of FTV actor Tamara Tyasmara, has recently attracted public attention. Tamara's child reportedly died in a public swimming pool. Not alone, at that time Dante was known to be in the swimming pool with a man with the initials YA who was none other than Tamara's lover.

Not long after Dante left, based on a police investigation, evidence was found that YA had deliberately drowned Dante, who was only six years old, in the public swimming pool. YA was also arrested at his residence on Friday (9/2). After determining this status, facts regarding chronology emerged.

The police finally carried out a crime scene investigation and checked the CCTV in the swimming pool area to see the cause of death of Tamara's only child . From the results of the examination, it was discovered that YA drowned Dante 12 times in the swimming pool located in the Palem area, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta.

Tamara's son Dante is known to swim in a 1.5 meter pool  various sources

photo: Instagram/@mimi_julid

"As for the recording, it contains a scene more or less where the victim had his head buried approximately 12 times, while we will provide further details," said the police as quoted by , Saturday (10/2).

As a result of this, Tamara's lover YA has now been named a suspect and has been arrested by the police. The arrest process for suspect YA was carried out at his residence in the Pondok Kelapa area, East Jakarta.

"The suspect YA was charged under Article 76C in conjunction with Article 80 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to Law Number 23 of 2022 concerning Child Protection and/or Article 340 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 338 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 359 of the Criminal Code," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Police Commissioner Ade Ary Syam Indradi.

Tamara's son Dante is known to swim in a 1.5 meter pool  various sources

photo: Instagram/@mimi_julid

Apart from having his head buried 12 times, the results of the crime scene investigation carried out by the police also showed surprising facts. This fact was revealed after the police interviewed a witness who was a swimming pool employee.

In the crime scene investigation agenda, the police asked about YA's activities with Dante while in the swimming pool. Not only that, the police also asked one of the officers about the depth of the swimming pool. The swimming pool has several depth levels ranging from 1.2 meters to 1.5 meters.

One of the swimming pool employees was also asked to enter the pool to measure its depth. As a result, it was discovered that from CCTV footage and the results of measurements of the depth of the swimming pool carried out by the police, Dante was known to be swimming at a depth of 1.5 meters.

This depth is considered unreasonable for a 6 year old child whose height has not yet reached 1 meter. Currently, the police are still investigating the suspect's motive for carrying out this act.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.