"Thank God, thank God the perpetrator has been caught," said Tamara Tyasmara

  9 Februari 2024 19:20

Brilio.net - The case of the death of Tamara Tyasmara's son with DJ Angger Dimas, Raden Andante Khalif Pramudityo or Dante has finally found a bright spot. After the investigation process, the police named YA, Tamara's lover, as a suspect in the death of her son, Dante.

There is several basic pieces of evidence that make YA officially a suspect, one of which is CCTV footage which shows the moments YA drowned Dante's body in a swimming pool so that it could not be seen on the surface. Tamara Tyasmara as Dante's mother is grateful because the perpetrator who caused her son's death has been caught.

Tamara burst into tears when she didn't expect the suspect's lover  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@tamaratyasmara

"Thank God, thank God the perpetrator has been caught," he said, reported by brilio.net from Intense Investigation, Friday (9/2).

Regarding the news circulating about her choosing to remain silent regarding the case of her child's death which is still a mystery, Tamara denied the accusation. He said that if he wanted to find out why his son died, he would go to the police to investigate the case thoroughly.

"We've been quiet since yesterday. That doesn't mean I'm not doing anything. Everyone says I'm quiet, I'm quiet. I'm not quiet. If I'm quiet, what would I do here on Thursday," added Tamara.

DJ Angger's ex-wife said she wanted the investigation into the child's death to run smoothly. He also revealed that this was the first time he had seen the CCTV footage of the scene where the child died. Knowing this, of course Tamara's heart was broken.

Tamara burst into tears when she didn't expect the suspect's lover  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@tamaratyasmara

"I've also watched the CCTV from start to finish. Yes, there's no way I can bear to just keep quiet. My child died, not just in a coma, not disabled, not just sick. So it's impossible for a mother to just keep quiet about her child being digitized. Please "Just understanding it for everyone doesn't mean I'm covering it up, but I want this process to run smoothly," he continued.

Tamara could only cry knowing the facts about her child's death because she was murdered. What hurts even more is that Dante's killer was his girlfriend. Tamara wants to know the motives of her lover for killing her child.

"Who would have thought that, it's impossible for anyone to have thought that. That's why we now want to know what the motive was," he concluded.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.