foto: YouTube/The Hermansyah A6; YouTube/Ricis Official - Being busy in the world of entertainment means that a number of celebrities have a number of assistants , both personal and household, to help with their work. Interestingly, the assistants of several celebrities receive special treatment, and are even considered like their own family. This was proven when artists who were known for their busy filming schedules were still willing to set aside time to attend employee weddings.
No matter how far away the assistant's hometown is, these celebrities make time to attend. Not only were they present to enliven the wedding, these artists also brought special gifts and some were even appointed as witnesses at the ceremony.
Of course, the closeness and humility of celebrities towards their employees or assistants attracts the public's attention. They were amazed and happy with this special behavior.
Who are the artists attending the employee reception? Come on, take a look at the portraits that collected from various sources on Thursday (20/7).
1. Ria Ricis came to the wedding of Aryes, who is part of her YouTube team. Part of the team that has been helping Ricis in working on YouTube content, of course Aryes is very important to Ria Rici. Therefore, on the employee's happy day, namely in December 2020, Ria Ricis was present to enliven the wedding event.
employees' wedding celebs
YouTube/Ricis Official
2. Atta Halilintar came to the wedding of one of his subordinates, Bang Coim. Not half-hearted, Aurel Hermansyah's husband brought kitchen equipment, complete with a two-door refrigerator and washing machine.
employees' wedding celebs
3. Likewise with Billy Syahputra when he went to the invitation of his private driver named Aep. The younger brother of the late Olga Syahputra brought IDR 10 million as a gift, you know.
employees' wedding celebs
YouTube/Billy Syahputra
4. As his boss and friend, Vidi Aldiano was not absent from attending the happy moments of his creative team, Sasha. Accompanied by his wife, Sheila Dara, Vidi seemed happy at his employee's wedding.
employee wedding celebs
5. Tamara Bleszynski amazed the public because she was present at the wedding of her child's nanny, Nini Ami Kasmina. He was even willing to come to Ponorogo, East Java, you know.
employee wedding celebs
6. Gisella Anastasia was willing to travel all the way from Jakarta to Tegal to witness the wedding of Gempi's nanny, Siti Rukoyah alias Koneng. The presence of Gading Marten's ex-wife also succeeded in stealing the public's attention at that time.
employees' wedding celebs
7. In 2018, Vega Darwanti attended the wedding of her employee's eldest child, Bang Diding. She appeared to be wearing all black clothes with high heels and her hair down.
employees' wedding celebs
8. Andre Taulany went all the way to Indramayu, West Java to attend the wedding of his employee, Tono. His assistant has recently become increasingly popular on YouTube TAULANY TV and occasionally appears on the show "Lapor Pak".
employees' wedding celebs
9. Anang and Ashanty are willing to go to Sragen, Central Java to attend the wedding of one of their daughter's nannies, Arsy Hermansyah, named Maya. Interestingly, at that moment, Anang was appointed as a marriage witness.
employees' wedding celebs
YouTube/The Hermansyah A6