foto: Instagram/@shaniabmh; Instagram/@erinagudono

In the event, Erina emerged as the winner, while Shania had to be satisfied with second place.

  23 Agustus 2024 15:20 - Erina Gudono, President Joko Widodo's daughter-in-law, has recently become the target of netizens on social media. Kaesang Pangarep's wife was criticized for her luxurious lifestyle while in the United States. Her name even became a trending topic on X (formerly Twitter) for the past few days.

This controversy apparently triggered Shania Binti Mahir Hamdun, a finalist for Puteri Indonesia 2022 in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), to speak up. Through her Instagram Story, Shania allegedly exposed Erina Gudono's true nature . She admitted to being a victim of slander by Jokowi's daughter-in-law and had to endure hate speech for three years.

Shania and Erina were both participants in the Putri Indonesia DI Yogyakarta event. In the competition, Erina emerged as the winner, while Shania won the runner-up position. However, since then, Shania felt slandered by Erina because she was considered unable to accept her defeat.

Now, after three years have passed, Shania feels relieved because she feels that Erina's true nature has finally been revealed. She poured out her heart through social media.

"Grateful, my heartache 3 years ago, was repaid just like that without touching & without any effort, suddenly the rottenness was known throughout Indonesia," wrote Shania in one of her uploads.

Shania Hamdun reveals Erina Gudono's true nature  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/@shaniabmh

Shania also revealed that she only conveyed facts in 2021, but unfortunately she could not provide strong evidence at that time. As a result, she was criticized for being considered unable to accept defeat.

"Now, I believe the person's nature is just open. So, please conclude for yourself, whatever he has done until now, is it genuine or a setup? Is it sincere or just for validation?" Shania continued.

Not only that, Shania also made a surprising confession about Erina. Kaesang Pangarep's wife was also said to have body odor and was widely discussed on social media.

"Disclaimer: the person really has smelly armpits and body odor. This is a fact, don't ask again via DM, it's really tiring to reply about this person," he said.

Shania admitted that she has forgiven the haters who used to insult her. She hopes that they can now understand the real situation.

"To the PL who used to say hate speech to me, or insult me. I have forgiven you.. because at that time I could not prove how cunning this person was. Hopefully now you really understand, I only ask for help to clear my name from those slanders. Thank you," wrote Shania.

Shania Hamdun reveals Erina Gudono's true nature  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/@shaniabmh

Shania also touched on the impact of the slander she experienced so far. She revealed that the slander had cornered her and even caused her to lose several jobs.

"Apart from my personal hurt feelings towards the person involved because of his/her SLAB 3 years ago, which made me cornered, thought I couldn't accept defeat, even canceled or questioned from several jobs because it was thought I was the one with the problem," said Shania.

At the end of her story, Shania invited other pageant participants to speak up. She emphasized that this issue is not just about one family, but about Indonesia.

"This is about INDONESIA, not that family. Please SPEAK UP! Don't be SILENT!" he shouted.

Shania ended her story by expressing gratitude and thanks to all those who have supported her so far. She also hopes that God will hear prayers for Indonesia.

The outpouring of the Yogyakarta model was then re-uploaded on social media X. They began to question the legitimacy of Erina's win in the beauty contest.

"From the beginning, as far as I know, when Shania joined PI, many people said that Shania deserved DIY, I myself couldn't bear to see her try until she forgot 2/3 times, then the ending was still in 2nd place. Well, it turns out this is the truth now," said @kkodokganteng.

"Oh my gosh, it's true, the fruit of patience is real, without us responding, only prayers, Allah will show us in His way," said @yellowundertoon.

"When she first appeared, someone said that she was a consignment girl, is that true?" asked @arseana_sean.
