Wanda admitted that she didn't think twice about her actions.

  22 Juli 2024 17:15

Brilio.net - Wanda Hara's stylish fashion received attention after allegedly appearing in a veil at Ustaz Hanan Attaki's recitation. In a viral upload on

What made netizens angry was that Wanda was reportedly in the women's team during the sharing time. Netizens then criticized Wanda, who is originally a man but appears veiled like a woman. They also regretted that Wanda's colleagues who were also present at the study did not give a warning.

The Wanda Hara controversy continues to spread until it becomes a hot topic of conversation on social media, not only on X's account. After remaining silent for a while, Wanda finally spoke out. In the upload shared by Hanan Attaki on his Instagram page, Wanda apologized.

wanda hara's apology  various sources

photo: X/@Lalalalqui

"I am Wanda Hara from the bottom of my heart, I apologize profusely for this commotion in the study held by Ustaz Hanan Attaki yesterday. For the incident that occurred because of my actions which offended many parties," said Wanda Hara, reported on Instagram @hanan_attaki , Monday (22/7).

Likewise, he apologized to the actresses who were involved in his mistakes. He realized that what he was doing was not right. This figure, who is known to be close to Nagita Slavina, has also communicated with Hanan Attaki as the ustaz who organized the event.

"I realize this was my mistake. I have also communicated with Ustaz Hanan Ataki. And also apologized to my friends who were involved in this incident," he explained further.

At the same time, Wanda Hara also thanked netizens who reminded her. Due to her lack of knowledge, Wanda admitted that she did not think long about her actions. He felt that this should have happened to him as a warning.

wanda hara's apology  various sources

photo: Instagram/@hanan_attaki

"Thank you for reminding me. But my lack of knowledge meant that I didn't think long about my actions and events. To all Indonesian people. I am truly sorry. I am aware that this incident was all a warning from Allah SWT," explained the owner of the real name. Irwansyah.

He also hopes that this incident will be a lesson for him. Nothing but so that he becomes a better human being in the future.

"Once again, I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart. Please open the apology feature as profusely as possible. And my friends, please pray for me. I hope I become a better human being. Forgive me," he concluded.

Meanwhile, Ustaz Hanan Attaki received an apology from Wanda Hara. Hanan Attaki realized that humans were in the wrong place. He also hopes that Wanda Hara will continue to learn to be better in the future.

"Yes @wanda_haraa, hopefully the future will be even better. Hopefully this will be a way for Wanda to continue learning to improve herself and take the path to Allah. No human being is perfect. No one is free from mistakes. The most important thing is to keep learning," said Ustaz Hanan Attaki .
