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Brilio.net/en - Remember those fascinating moving photographs in the newspapers of Harry Potter? They sure did seem magical and part of a world we could only dream of becoming part of.
But wait.
The future (or the magical underworld) is here.
Allow us to introduce LifePrint, the photos that come to life with the help of a little technology.
LifePrint is a where technology meets social media. Its both an app and a printer and it will forever change the way we interact with photography.
This is how it works: you use a video that you take on your smartphone, upload it to the app, and print a screenshot of the video with the portable printer. The app allows you to edit the picture how you like, with filters and even text. Once ready for printing and sharing, you send it to the printer. Pretty simple process, yes.
Image via Indiegogo.com
Heres the Harry Potter aspect. Using the augmented reality feature installed on the app, you can now simply put the picture in front of your phone and the video will begin playing!
Image via indiegogo.com
The opportunities with this invention are endless. Imagine the presents and fridge decorating material that this will give you! It can even print GIFs for all those Internet addicts out there. And if youre a traveler, it works wonders with GoPro as well.
The app was finalized in January of this year and May will see the first sample quality tests. In June the final samples will be approved for mass production and orders can be expected for delivery in August.
To make your purchase easy, weve added the Indigogo project link here.
What story will come to life in your hands?