
To calculate your future weton, you need to know each other's birth date and market.

  28 Agustus 2024 10:45 - Javanese society has long been known to have various traditions and beliefs that are still held firmly to this day. One belief that is still widely used is the calculation of weton. In everyday life, weton is often used as a reference for making various important decisions, including in finding the right partner.

According to research conducted by the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, around 65% of Javanese people still believe in and use weton calculations in various aspects of their lives. This shows that weton still has a significant influence in modern Javanese culture.

For those of you who are interested in knowing more about weton, especially in the context of finding a soul mate, it is important to understand how to calculate the correct weton for a soul mate. With the right understanding, you can avoid mistakes in calculations that may impact important decisions in your life.

Although in this modern era many people are starting to abandon tradition, there are still many who consider weton as an important consideration in choosing a life partner. Therefore, summarized by from various sources, Tuesday (27/8) here is a detailed discussion of the meaning of weton, how to calculate it, and wise tips in using weton calculations to find a soul mate.

What is weton?

How to calculate your marriage weton


Weton is a Javanese calendar system that combines elements of days in the Gregorian calendar with the market in the Javanese calendar. According to the book "Primbon Jawa" by Ki Sura, weton consists of 7 days (Monday to Sunday) combined with 5 Javanese markets (Legi, Pahing, Pon, Wage, and Kliwon).

Each combination of day and market has a certain numerical value that is believed to affect a person's fate and compatibility with others. For example, Monday Legi has a different value than Monday Pahing, and so on.

In the context of finding a soul mate, weton is used to calculate the compatibility between two people based on their birth day and market. Javanese people believe that weton compatibility can be an indicator of harmony and good luck in a marriage relationship.

How to calculate your marriage weton.

To calculate the weton jodoh, you need to know the day and market of birth of the two people whose compatibility will be calculated. Here are the detailed steps:

1. Determine the neptu value (number) of each person's day and market. According to the Primbon Betal Jemur Adammakna book, the neptu value for the day is: Sunday (5), Monday (4), Tuesday (3), Wednesday (7), Thursday (8), Friday (6), Saturday (9). While for the market: Legi (5), Pahing (9), Pon (7), Wage (4), Kliwon (8).

2. Add up the daily and market neptu values for each person. For example, if someone was born on Monday Legi, then their neptu value is 4 (Monday) + 5 (Legi) = 9.

3. After getting each person's neptu total, add the two numbers together.

4. The result of the addition is then divided by 4. The remainder of the division (0, 1, 2, or 3) determines the level of compatibility of the couple.

According to the research of Dr. Suwardi Endraswara in his book entitled Javanese Philosophy of Life (2003), the interpretation of the remainder of the division is as follows: Remainder 0 means "Sri" (very good), remainder 1 means "Lungguh" (good), remainder 2 means "Gedhong" (quite good), and remainder 3 means "Lara" (not good).

Tips and advice for finding a partner wisely.

How to calculate your marriage weton


Although weton calculations are still considered important for some Javanese people, it is important to remember that this is not the only factor in determining the compatibility of a couple. Dr. Ira Paramastri, a psychologist from Gadjah Mada University, emphasized that the harmony of a relationship is more determined by psychological factors such as communication, commitment, and shared values.

You can use the weton calculation as one of the considerations, but do not make it the only benchmark. It is more important to know your potential partner in depth, understand each other's character, values, and life goals.

If you decide to use weton calculations, do it wisely. Discuss with your future partner and family about the importance of this tradition to you. However, remain open to different views and do not force this belief if not everyone agrees.

In finding a partner, it is important to balance between tradition and modern values. According to a survey conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics in 2022, 78% of young couples in Java admitted to considering personality compatibility and life goals as the main factors in choosing a partner, while only 22% still prioritize weton calculations.

In conclusion, calculating weton jodoh can be part of the process of finding a partner for those of you who still hold fast to Javanese traditions. However, it is important to prioritize other more substantial factors in building a harmonious and lasting relationship. By understanding how to calculate weton jodoh correctly and using it wisely, you can appreciate the cultural heritage of your ancestors while remaining open to modern values in finding a life partner.
