foto: Twitter/@IdMandaskatic; Instagram/@qtrsyy

Apart from drastic weight loss, Amanda Manopo does not deny that her face has changed due to undergoing a number of beauty treatments.

  6 Mei 2024 23:25 - Amanda Manopo has recently been regularly involved in the world of modeling and endorsements. The reason is, after finishing starring in the soap opera "Ikatan Cinta", Arya Saloka's co-star is said to have changed. Amanda Manopo even looks thinner and her cheeks are thinner.

This made the public suspect that the artist had plastic surgery on his face. However, Amanda denied accusations that she had plastic surgery.

Billy Syahputra's ex-lover admitted that his face looked thinner due to the drastic weight loss. Apart from that, Amanda did not deny that the changes in her face were due to undergoing a number of beauty treatments.

One of the beauty procedures she underwent was a thread lift. This treatment can indeed make chubby cheeks become thinner, and tighten facial skin so that it is wrinkle-free. Not surprisingly, a number of netizens think that Amanda now looks very beautiful.

So what does Amanda Manopo look like before vs after undergoing beauty treatments? The following is a portrait compiled by from various sources, Monday (6/5).

1. Amanda Manopo started her career in the Indonesian entertainment world as a child advertising star.

Amanda Manopo before after treatment  various sources

Amanda Manopo before after treatment
Twitter/@laycametlacc; Instagram/@amandamanopo

2. Her sweet smile and long hair make her look so cute and beautiful.

Amanda Manopo before after treatment  various sources

Amanda Manopo before after treatment
Twitter/@IdMandaskatic; Instagram/@amandamanopo

3. Starring in many soap operas and films, Amanda has succeeded in making Amanda's name even more popular.

Amanda Manopo before after treatment  various sources

Amanda Manopo before after treatment
Twitter/@IdMandaskatic; Instagram/@amandamanopo

4. Not surprisingly, he is included in the ranks of popular artists whose lives cannot be separated from the public's attention.

Amanda Manopo before after treatment  various sources

Amanda Manopo before after treatment
Twitter/@IdMandaskatic; Instagram/@qtrsyy

5. This woman, born in Jakarta, December 6 1999, has had a beautiful face for a long time.

Amanda Manopo before after treatment  various sources

Amanda Manopo before after treatment

6. The artist's charm increases with age.

Amanda Manopo before after treatment  various sources

Amanda Manopo before after treatment
Twitter/@amandamanopo; Instagram/@amandamanopo

7. Before her current appearance, Amanda Manopo was known for having slightly chubby cheeks.

Amanda Manopo before after treatment  various sources

Amanda Manopo before after treatment
Twitter/@amandamanopo; Instagram/@amandamanopo

8. As time goes by, Amanda Manopo increasingly shows changes in her appearance, especially her face.

Amanda Manopo before after treatment  various sources

Amanda Manopo before after treatment
Twitter/@IdMandaskatic; Instagram/@qtrsyy

9. Some time ago, Amanda stole attention with her transformation which looked thinner.

Amanda Manopo before after treatment  various sources

Amanda Manopo before after treatment
Twitter/@IdMandaskatic; TikTok/@marianimanda05

10. As she admitted, Amanda does follow a diet and beauty treatments.

Amanda Manopo before after treatment  various sources

Amanda Manopo before after treatment
Twitter/@amandamanopo ; Instagram/@amandamanopo

11. It is not surprising that the change in the appearance of this woman of Spanish blood, which is becoming increasingly thin, has succeeded in making people confused.

Amanda Manopo before after treatment  various sources

Amanda Manopo before after treatment
Twitter/@amandamanopo; Instagram/@amandamanopo

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.