foto: Instagram/@fiersabesari - Sad news comes from the Indonesian music industry. The mother of the singer and author of the book Fiersa Besari , Lilis Yuliandini, died on Monday, May 6 2024.
Fiersa Besari conveyed this sad news directly via a post on Instagram. He uploaded a white cloth post containing a caption about losing his mother.
"Our beloved mother, Lilis Yuliandini, has passed away," said Fiersa Besari, quoted by from Instagram/@fiersabesari, Monday, 6 (6/5).
Through this news, Fiersa also asked for prayers for her mother who had passed away. It is known that the mother died in Bandung, West Java.
"Please pray, hopefully the deceased will be given the best place and his deeds of worship will be accepted," continued Fiersa Besari.
Fiersa Besari's mother died
Until now, the cause of Fiersa Besari's mother's death is unknown. However, judging from Fiersa's recent posts, she often shares moments when she cared for her mother who was lying in hospital and walking using a wheelchair.
The father of this child is known to be very close to his mother. On her mother's birthday last year, Fiersa bought a special gift for her mother, namely a black Vios car.
Not without reason, at that time Fiersa chose the Vios car as a thank you to her mother. Furthermore, he said that his mother previously owned a Vios car but was forced to sell it to meet the family's needs.
Fiersa Besari's mother died
He added that at that time Fiersa was still unemployed so her mother was the backbone of the family.
"Just for fun to make parents happy," wrote Fiersa.
The gift was welcomed with emotion and tears by Fiersa Besari's mother. Moreover, Fiersa's 68th birthday also coincided with the anniversary celebration of Fiersa Besari and his wife, Aqia. To be precise, July 17 2023.
Now, approaching the age of 69, Lilis Yuliandini has passed away to God. This 40-year-old singer certainly feels deep sorrow.
In an upload, Fiersa mentioned that the figures of mother, wife and children are three elements that are equally important in his life. But he is also grateful that the three of them both consider each other important. Where the three of them also consider Fiersa to be very important in their lives.
Fiersa Besari's mother died
This is what makes Fiersa Besari's household harmonious, and often gets praise for being united with her in-laws.
Regarding today's sad news, many netizens and public figures expressed their condolences to Fiersa Besari. Not even an hour ago the sad news was announced, the post almost received 100 thousand comments.
"Innalillahi wainnailaihi rojiun, my condolences, Brother " wrote @alyaanz.
"My condolences, bro. Temporarily separated in the world, reunited in heaven . Allahummaghfirlaha warhamha wa'afiha wa'fu'anha," said @muzammilhb.
"Dude, my condolences. May the deceased be given to the best place and his deeds of worship will be accepted by His side. Amen ," commented @duniafrans.
"Innalillahi, my condolences, sir ," wrote @uuscustomaja.
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