foto: Instagram/@gagamuhammad

Gaga Muhammad's attorney said that legally his client no longer had any problems with the late Laura Anna.

  1 Mei 2024 16:50 - The former girlfriend of the late Laura Anna, Gaga Muhammad, has been released early from her prison sentence. Previously, Gaga received a 4.5 year prison sentence from a panel of judges at the East Jakarta District Court in 2022. Gaga is known to have been out on parole since April 18, 2024.

The news of Gaga Muhammad's release was confirmed by Fahmi Bachmid, as her attorney. Fahmi said that his client had breathed free air one week after Eid.

"Yes, first of all, I would like to say thank God that Gaga Muhammad has been breathing free air since April 18, actually," explained Fahmi Bachmid, reported by from on Wednesday (1/5).

Fahmi said he had communicated with Gaga's parents regarding this news. Currently, Gaga is known to be in Jakarta.

gaga muhammad free from prison  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/@gagamuhammad

"I have also communicated with Gaga's father and also reported that 'Gaga has left, bro, she is already in Jakarta', so Gaga still lives in Jakarta," he said.

Fahmi explained that legally, his client no longer had any problems with the family of the late Laura Anna . This is because Gaga has already undergone the punishment process. However, regarding Gaga's quicker release, Fahmi said it was because Gaga behaved well.
