
In contrast to his biological father's attitude, Baim actually felt extraordinary love and support from his stepfather.

  19 September 2024 13:10 - Baim Alkatiri or better known as Baim Cilik, recently spoke out about his relationship with his biological father and stepfather. The young actor revealed his bitter experience when he was called a failure by his own biological father. Since 2022, his biological father has not even provided a living and is suspected of having run away with Baim's hard-earned money worth billions of rupiah.

Baim made this shocking confession when he was a guest star on Deddy Corbuzier's podcast. He told how his biological father, Halil Fuad Alkatiri, had disappeared and blocked his number. His father's actions in running away from responsibility and running away with his money had left a deep wound in Baim's heart.

In contrast to his biological father's attitude, Baim actually felt extraordinary love and support from his stepfather. This difference in treatment made Baim love his stepfather more than his own biological father.

Deddy Corbuzier did not hesitate to ask Baim a rather sensitive question. He wanted to know who Baim loved more between his biological father and his stepfather.

Little Baim loves his stepfather  2024

photo: YouTube/Deddy Corbuzier

"This is a mean question and I know you must be confused about the answer. I have to ask you this even though it is a mean question. If I ask you now, do you love your father more or your stepfather?" asked Deddy Corbuzier, quoted by from the Close The Door podcast, Thursday (19/9).

Without hesitation, Baim immediately answered Deddy's question firmly. He admitted that he loved his stepfather much more than his biological father. Baim explained the reasons behind his feelings clearly.

For Baim, the figure of his stepfather has become a figure who is always present and cares about him. The support and attention given by his stepfather are strong reasons why Baim loves him more.

"My stepfather, Uncle. It's very clear. I love my stepfather more. My stepfather is always there for me and he really cares," he answered.

Little Baim loves his stepfather  2024

photo: YouTube/Deddy Corbuzier

Baim then explained further the reason why he loves his stepfather so much. Not only because he is always there for him, but also because of the wise attitude shown by his stepfather in dealing with Baim's problems with his biological father.

Although he did not interfere directly, Baim's stepfather always gave him moral support and strengthened him when facing problems. This attitude made Baim feel very appreciated and understood.

"This is real evidence that I feel myself. I love my stepfather more than my biological father. When there was a problem, one of the people who strengthened me, the one who was also angry was my stepfather too, uncle. I couldn't accept it when my father said that, but he didn't want to interfere, but he really strengthened me," he said.

Little Baim loves his stepfather  2024

photo: Instagram/@baimalkatiri

Baim's experience has changed his view of the meaning of family. Baim emphasized that a true family is formed through love and affection, not just from blood ties.

Her personal experience is living proof that a relationship built on love can be much stronger than a biological one. She now believes that family ties are not always determined by blood relations.

"Family is by love, not blood," he said confidently.
