foto: Instagram/@fiersabesari

"The reason I stopped performing was because I was really tired," said Fiersa Besari.

  17 September 2024 16:10 - Shocking news came from musician Fiersa Besari . The singer of the song Celengan Rindu has just decided to take a break from the music scene.

Through an upload on his personal YouTube channel, on Monday (16/9), Fiersa stated that he would start taking a break from performing live starting January 1, 2025, and it is not known when he will return to the music world.

The man who is now 40 years old did not deny that one of his decisions to stop performing was because the activity made Fiersa tired.

"The reason I stopped performing was because I was really tired," he said, quoted by from the YouTube channel, Fiersa Besari (17/9).

Fiersa Besari says goodbye to the world of stage various sources

Fiersa Besari says goodbye to the world of stage
YouTube/Fiersa Besari

According to Fiersa, even though the gig only lasts 1 hour, what makes him tired is the process. Preparing a gig in an area requires various things, such as time and the busyness of taking care of necessities.

"For a performance activity, even if it's only for one hour, the preparation before and after the event is quite long. Especially for me, who is from the region, Bandung," he explained.

Although he was bored with performing, Fiersa remained enthusiastic. The reason was because he could meet face to face with fans who enjoyed his music.

"Exchanging energy with the audience is an amazing feeling. And it can help to heal the tiredness a little," he said.

Fiersa Besari says goodbye to the world of stage various sources

Fiersa Besari says goodbye to the world of stage
YouTube/Fiersa Besari

But it was only temporary. Not only about music, Fiersa also has other activities, one of which is prioritizing time with his family. Wanting to focus on family is one of the reasons Fiersa quit the music world that made his name big.

"But the problem is that my situation is a little different. Now I have children and am building my little family," he explained.

On the other hand, Fiersa also explained that he is not only focused on music and family. But in other areas such as mountain climbing. Fiersa also admitted that he could not do it at the same time. The impact is that togetherness with family is reduced.

"Let's say I'm active in these three areas, taking care of my family, climbing mountains, and playing music. If I do all three, make sure that activities for my family, especially my children, are reduced," added Fiersa.

Fiersa then highlighted his child who would be 4 years old in 2025. Before it was too late, he chose to use the remaining time with his child before entering school.

"I only have a little time left before he starts kindergarten, then elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, and so on. I want to be satisfied with the one year I have left before he starts his education. So automatically there are some things I have to sacrifice," explained Fiersa.
