The residence nicknamed the 'White House' looks so comfortable to live in. Every corner of the room shows its beauty.

  30 Januari 2025 22:30 - Ririn Dwi Ariyanti officially divorced Aldi Bragi on December 31, 2021. Even though they have separated, Ririn can still live with her children in the house she built with her ex-husband.

Unlike many other artists who often share their personal lives on YouTube, Ririn prefers to share it via Instagram. Through her uploads, fans can catch a glimpse of her comfortable and elegant home.

The residence nicknamed 'White House' carries a tropical concept that looks natural and bright. This house has many openings, allowing maximum sunlight to enter, creating a warm and fresh atmosphere.

The kitchen in Ririn's house is also designed with an open concept that utilizes natural lighting. The sunlight that enters through the large windows makes the kitchen look more spacious and comfortable for activities.

Here is a portrait of the kitchen that has collected from Instagram @ririndwiariyanti, Thursday (30/1).

1. Ririn's house feels so luxurious and spacious. The windows are also high, so there is a lot of natural light coming into the room.

Ririn Dwi's kitchen makes you want to cook  Instagram

Ririn Dwi's kitchen makes you feel at home cooking

2. Not only in the family room, the use of natural sunlight during the day is also applied in the kitchen.

Ririn Dwi's kitchen makes you want to cook  Instagram

Ririn Dwi's kitchen makes you want to cook

3. With an all-white feel, this kitchen looks clean and fresh, especially because of the windows.

Ririn Dwi's kitchen makes you want to cook  Instagram

Ririn Dwi's kitchen makes you want to cook

4. Not only the walls, this kitchen has kitchen furniture that also has a clean white nuance.

Ririn Dwi's kitchen makes you want to cook  Instagram

Ririn Dwi's kitchen makes you want to cook

5. Like the kitchen table, kitchen cupboard, cabinets, and chairs are all white.

Ririn Dwi's kitchen makes you want to cook  Instagram

Ririn Dwi's kitchen makes you feel at home cooking

6. In the morning and afternoon, the green plants located behind the kitchen will be clearly visible, making the room look natural and shady.

Ririn Dwi's kitchen makes you want to cook  Instagram

Ririn Dwi's kitchen makes you want to cook

7. To store food, Ririn uses a premium side by side refrigerator or one that has 2 doors on the left and right.

Ririn Dwi's kitchen makes you want to cook  Instagram

Ririn Dwi's kitchen makes you feel at home cooking

8. Not only that, he also has a dispenser that costs Rp. 16 million.

Ririn Dwi's kitchen makes you want to cook  Instagram

Ririn Dwi's kitchen makes you feel at home cooking

9. This dim nuance does not eliminate the charming and comfortable impression, making anyone feel at home cooking.

Ririn Dwi's kitchen makes you want to cook  Instagram

Ririn Dwi's kitchen makes you feel at home cooking
