The Tigaraksa Religious Court said that the two of them had gone through several divorce processes.

  7 Agustus 2024 17:05 - Unnoticed by the media, it turns out that Andre Taulany and his wife's household is at the end of its rope. The reason is, the former Stinky vocalist has filed a divorce suit against his wife, Rien Wartia Trigina, at the Tigaraksa Religious Court, Tangerang. This news certainly shocked the public because it came suddenly.

It is known that Andre registered the divorce suit on April 4 2024 with case number 1668/pdtg/2024/patigaraksa. This was confirmed by the Public Relations Officer of the Tigaraksa Religious Court, Ummi Azma. He said the request submitted by Andre was divorce divorce.

"It is true that the name Andreas Taulany filed a divorce suit against his wife at the Tigaraksa Religious Court on April 4 2024. Request for divorce," he said, quoted from on Wednesday (7/8).

Andre sues wife for divorce  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@erintaulany

Ummi Azma was also asked to provide information regarding the reasons why Andre filed for divorce against his wife. The reason is, this couple has been married for more than 18 years. However, Ummi admitted that she could not explain this clearly.

Therefore, the Tigaraksa Religious Court can only confirm the news circulating. Regarding the divorce case filed by Andre, Ummi explained that it was a public matter.

Andre sues wife for divorce  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@erintaulany

"In terms of details, I cannot explain that the divorce case is a public matter. What is certain is that there is a case filed by Andre Taulany's brother. (For the reasons for his divorce lawsuit) We cannot explain that," he explained.

Because she filed for divorce in April 2024, Ummi said that the two of them had gone through several divorce processes. One of them is mediation. However, Ummi was again unable to provide a detailed explanation of the results of the mediation.

"What is clear is that it has gone through stages, there has been mediation too. I cannot explain that detailed (the condition of Andre and his wife's household), I am only a public relations officer and this is the authority of the Panel of Judges. Mediation has been completed," said Ummi.

Andre sues wife for divorce  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@erintaulany

It is known that this couple married on December 17 2005. Now they have been married for almost 19 years. From this marriage, they were blessed with 3 children, namely two boys and one girl.

Indeed, previously the relationship between the two of them had been hit by negative news. One of them is suspected by Andre's attitude, which rarely shares moments of togetherness with his wife on social media. Until now, Andre has not spoken about his reasons for filing the divorce suit.
